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Thieving Labour MP to Stand Down

29 replies

compfan · 12/01/2011 22:57

Barnsley Central MP too get thrown in slammer for being a thieving crook, so a by election will be taking place.

Labour Eric Evlyn Illsley 17,487
Liberal Democrat Christopher Wiggin 6,394
Conservative Piers Martin Tempest 6,388
BNP Ian David Charles Sutton 3,307
UKIP David William Silver 1,727
Independent Donald Wood 732
Independent Antony John Devoy 610
Socialist Labour Terence Robinson 356

The only party I can see gaining votes here are BNP & UKIP. Labour will no doubt win but with a reduced majority.

OP posts:
Blackduck · 16/01/2011 15:42

Badgerspaw - why do you bother? Surely there are better things to be doing on a Sunday afternoon? :)

compfan · 16/01/2011 15:34

Chil1234 'I don't think the result will have rattled anyone in the coalition. As a side-issue.... nice to see the BNP vote almost halve.'

2011 - 4,481 12.8% vote share
2010 - 11,773 26.4 vote share

British National Party
2011 - 1,560 4.5% vote share
2010 - 2,546 5.7% vote share

As we can see from the above, the BNP was nowhere near losing half their vote from last year.


We can see that the Tories MORE than halved their vote share. A typical example of how the media, libe lab con and their idiot supporters try and twist everything to show how BNP is in terminal decline. BULL!!!!!!

If the BNP should be mortified by this result and give up, then Cameron should pack his Louis Vuitton Cases and take a run and jump of Brighton pier.

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Chil1234 · 16/01/2011 08:59

'Snidey dullard sidekicks'

If you read Wodehouse, maybe there's some hope for you yet? :)

huddspur · 15/01/2011 23:45

compfan- Just face it the BNP will sink into the abyss just like all the other far right parties have done in the past.

compfan · 15/01/2011 23:42

what is this, is BADGERS PAW the gang leader and all the rest of you the snidey dullard sidekicks??!!

OP posts:
Chil1234 · 15/01/2011 08:55

And just to add to Badgerspaws excellent analysis of BNP techniques for avoiding answering awkward questions

4) SHOUT!!!


compfan · 14/01/2011 19:53



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Chil1234 · 14/01/2011 19:50

If 3300 votes is the strongest area then I shall sleep soundly in my bed. Out of interest, of the 60m-ish residents of the UK, if we had to lose 30m people in order to achieve sustainability (which I assume that you and other BNP voters support as you gave it as an example) what would be the selection criteria for being booted?

compfan · 14/01/2011 19:46

Barnsley is one of their strongest areas in Yorkshire.

Here is Charles Mather a retired GP doctor and BNP member who asks

'Why Opposition to BNP? '

part one

part two

OP posts:
BadgersPaws · 14/01/2011 19:44

Labelling me a Mugabe supporter and then You Tube videos, we're right on track with debate avoidance tactic step 2. Are you doing this on purpose?

You could actually try responding to the issues raised about your statement on the UN.

Or label me a Mugabe supported again, post up another YouTube video and then vanish.

Chil1234 · 14/01/2011 19:18

"The only party I can see gaining votes here are BNP & UKIP"

Well this is all very interesting, as usual. However, lets come back to this prediction once the Barnsley by-election has been settled and see if the BNP's progression from 'minority party' to 'political foot-note' is still ongoing. :)

compfan · 14/01/2011 18:56
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compfan · 14/01/2011 18:56

Here is the BBC's typical out of touch liberal David Dimbleby having a cosy chat with his little friend Robert in 1976 where Mugabe says he wants a fully socialist state.


OP posts:
compfan · 14/01/2011 18:50

Mugabe like New Labour

Uses military to achieve aims, kills innocent people TICK
No repsect for freedom of speech TICK
Spies on opponents and the populace TICK
Jealous of success TICK
Anti white TICK
Control freakery TICK
Deluded TICK
Bans political opponents from holding certain positions TICK

OP posts:
BadgersPaws · 14/01/2011 18:35

"Mugabe like the BNP!!!???"

People of a certain skin colour cannot ever be a certain nationality, tick.

Irrational blame of "foreigners" for a nations problems, tick.

History of violence, tick.

BadgersPaws · 14/01/2011 18:31

"Liberals have blood on their hands for putting Mugabe in power, well done Badgers paw."

Still trying just to dismiss me...

"My claim on population density stands"

Oh I believe that population density is becoming a problem in parts of the UK.

But your claim about what the UN figures show is just nonsense. Either you made it up or someone has lied to you.

The figures actually show that the top 10 countries have a higher density of population than the bottom 10.

They also show the Netherlands as being a jolly nice place to live despite being far more densely populated than we are.

The UN figures appear to show nothing about population of density in relation to a nations quality of life.

compfan · 14/01/2011 18:26

Mugabe like the BNP!!!???Smile

Funny how you lefties are all trying to distancing themselves from him. He is a far left socialist, who had support from European socialists. He is YOUR man.

The BNP is like the Rhodesia Front, led by spitfire hero Ian Smith. Patriotic, traditional Christian values, socially conservative etc.

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compfan · 14/01/2011 18:20

Liberals have blood on their hands for putting Mugabe in power, well done Badgers paw.

My claim on population density stands. It clearly has a massive impact on quality of life. Just look at the overcrowded south east compared to Cornwall. The average person in Cornwall has a better quality of life than someone in the M25.

OP posts:
BadgersPaws · 14/01/2011 18:15


No, I just look into statistics that are quoted and realise that the statement "Every country in the world which the UN judge to have standards of quality of life all have something in common. LOW POPULATION DENSITY." is complete and utter nonsense.

"People like you, liberal white know alls, are responsible for the destruction of a country and replaced it with a basket case ruled by a dictator. It was people with EXACTLY your know all airhead attitude that forced mugabe into power."

Still trying to just dismiss me rather than actually answer the objections to your statements either in this thread or the others?

For the record Mugabe is a nasty, violent, racist who rewrites history and allows his bigotry over the colour of someone's skin to take precedence over any kind of thinking and sense.

A bit like the BNP really.

compfan · 14/01/2011 18:09


People like you, liberal white know alls, are responsible for the destruction of a country and replaced it with a basket case ruled by a dictator. It was people with EXACTLY your know all airhead attitude that forced mugabe into power.

OP posts:
BadgersPaws · 14/01/2011 16:26

And we've had two steps of the BNP "avoid answering any questions" tactics already.

Step 1) Dismiss your questioner, so I'm a liberal know all who supports Robert Mugabe.

Step 2) Post up You Tube videos.

Step 3) Run away.

"Norway, Switzwerland, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand all have much lower population densities than the UK and clearly have better quality of life than parts of the UK."

You do realise that we are the 51st most densely populated country in the world?

You do realise that that means that any given country is four times more likely to be less populated than we are?

You realise that that means that in any list of 10 countries 8 should, on average, be less populated than us?

You do realise that on average the most highly scored countries have a higher density than the most lowly scored ones?

You do realise that that means that your claim "Every country in the world which the UN judge to have standards of quality of life all have something in common. LOW POPULATION DENSITY." is therefore provably incorrect?

So in brief....
Population density has absolutely nothing to do with the UN HDI Score.
Most countries are less densely populated than we are.

compfan · 14/01/2011 15:37



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compfan · 14/01/2011 15:21

Zimbabwe, ha that was of course once known as Rhodesia, one of the finest countries on earth, and known as the bread basket of Africa and would have been near the top.

That was until a bunch of liberal know alls like Badgers Paw worked to install the marxist Robert Mugabe and wailed 'racism' at the people of British ancestry who had arrived 100 years earlier and turned empty bushland into rich fertile farms and installed a 1st world infrastructure. Now the place is a stinking dump and whites are either refugees or are pushing up daisys after being murdered on their farms.

Black africans of Rhodesia had the highest education and health standards in the whole of Africa, thanks to clueless liberals like you they now are living on crumbs and have one of the lowest life expectancies in the whole world. WELL DONE LIBERAL KNOW ALL WHITES.

Norway, Switzwerland, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand all have much lower population densities than the UK and clearly have better quality of life than parts of the UK.

South East England is beginning to experience it now - roads grinding to a halt, water and landfill issues, housing, the liberals/guardian readers/globalists/pc brigade whatever you want to call them will no doubt make their excuses and leave to emptier parts, they're doing it already turning up in places like Cornwall and West Wales. They should be made to stay and enjoy the 'paradise' they have created.

OP posts:
BadgersPaws · 14/01/2011 14:43

"Every country in the world which the UN judge to have standards of quality of life all have something in common. LOW POPULATION DENSITY."

Erm, no, patently and obviously false.

I presume you're talking about the UN Human Development Index Score?

"The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide. It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare."

The average population per square mile for the top and bottom ten countries by that rating are:
Top 10: 259.6
Bottom 10: 141.05

So if you're going to argue anything the conclusion seems to be that a high population density leads to a higher HDI score.

Though I actually doubt that there's much of a connection at all. There's a spread of densities in both the top and bottom 10s and I don't think that there's much to be proven that way.

I'm not saying that we're not heading towards being overcrowded, just that density and HDI are not directly connected.

For those interested in doing the maths themselves here are the top 10 countries and their populations per square mile:
Norway 31
Australia 7.3
New Zealand 41.6
United States 87.4
Ireland 164.2
Liechtenstein 572
Netherlands 1,037.90
Canada 8.3
Sweden 53.3
Germany 593

And the bottom 10:
Mali 30.3
Burkina Faso 148.9
Liberia 92
Chad 20.8
Guinea-Bissau 44.1
Mozambique 74.3
Burundi 836
Niger 31.2
Democratic Republic of Congo 75.9
Zimbabwe 57

Chil1234 · 14/01/2011 14:35

Immigration is yesterday's issue because, when an economy is depressed and unemployment is on the rise, there is little incentive to migrate here. I know you naively think the BNP stands for other things but their main (only) platform is stopping immigration - or, if Nick Griffin is to be believed, forced repatriation of anyone that can't trace their heritage back to the Ice Age.

They managed to get a few ignorant, embittered people on their side in the past but - as demonstrated in Old & Sad - even those few have now seen them for what they are. No-one wants what they're offering.

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