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Dogs and clean floors

9 replies

ceb80 · 06/03/2010 21:20

It feels like groundhog day in my house, am constantly sweeping up dog hair and dirt which I suppose I have been blissfully unaware of until now as DS has started bumshuffling and his trousers are permanently coated in a fetching layer of hair.

I brush the dogs regularly and wipe their feet after walks but it still is EVERYWHERE! Argh!

OP posts:
frazzled74 · 12/03/2010 09:11

wear a pair of crocs around the house ,they scape up dog hair really well,ive learned to hoover at start of day, then relax about it, theres not much you can do really.

bluegecko5 · 11/03/2010 22:38

I have the same problem... with dog hair not bumshuffling
Dogs are brushed and washed regularly, floors hoovered or swept with rubber broom and still within a couple of hours it's back
There has to be an easier way.....

ceb80 · 09/03/2010 20:52

but I do care! It's the only thing I do care about, my sink is not shiney and my hotspots are cluttered and I don't give a monkeys I just want clean floors!
By the way no carpet, have assortment of slate, tiles, parquet and oak!

OP posts:
ceb80 · 09/03/2010 20:31

but I do care! It's the only thing I do care about, my sink is not shiney and my hotspots are cluttered and I don't give a monkeys I just want clean floors!
By the way no carpet, have assortment of slate, tiles, parquet and oak!

OP posts:
janmoomoo · 09/03/2010 13:57

Rubber broom is the business, a quick sweep round twice a day, quicker than getting hoover out.

ceb80 · 08/03/2010 20:11

but I do care! It's the only thing I do care about, my sink is not shiney and my hotspots are cluttered and I don't give a monkeys I just want clean floors!
By the way no carpet, have assortment of slate, tiles, parquet and oak!

OP posts:
rearfacingcarseats5timessafer · 07/03/2010 20:22

Rubber broom/brush like they have at the hairdressers, great for a quick brush as the hair does not stick to the brush.

Also second snigger, give the kid great immune system,you can't buy that!!!!

snigger · 07/03/2010 17:09

Give up.

He'll have an immensely sturdy immune system.

EggyAllenPoe · 07/03/2010 16:58


a)limit your dogs access to the house (hard floor areas only)
b)carry on as you are
c) stop caring.

I suggest option C, and next time you buy a dog/ rehome one, consider a breed that sheds into coat. Or option A, and gradually replace all carpetted areas with hard floors.

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