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would you wash dry clean curtains in the machine?

5 replies

mum2samandalex · 04/09/2009 13:20

just brought some next curtains for my boys bedroom. Recivedtoday and not impressed as there are a few marks and doesnt smell great like its been stored somewhere damp maybe smokey. It says dry clean only though if i put it on a hand wash on a cool cycle do you think it will be ok?

OP posts:
forkhandles · 04/09/2009 13:26

I washed some dry clean curtains and they never looked the same again. The curtain and the lining went all squiffy, one shrunk a bit and the other didn't and I think curtain must have shrun as the lining ended up poking out the bottom of the curtain. maybe if yours aren't lined it would be ok?

could you try to sponge out the marks and hang them out in the garden to air first?

mum2samandalex · 04/09/2009 13:26

i didnt pay very much for them so will give it a go on a cool wash fingers crossed thanks for the replies

OP posts:
Umlellala · 04/09/2009 13:23

Personally, I'd give it a go. I do everything in the machine... but am no domestic goddess...

dizzymare · 04/09/2009 13:22

Could you hand wash them in the bath, just cool water and detergant? I'm only saying this because I've still not recovered from stupidly washing my beautiful dry clean only trousers

mum2samandalex · 04/09/2009 13:21

meant to say brought them form ebay as it was a discontinued range

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