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House a mess, help!

2 replies

ChgdnoM · 16/06/2009 20:46

I am really overwhelmed by the state of my house. I have a lot of stuff going on ATM but know I would feel better / function a bit better if the house was tidier. I just don't know where to start and am having trouble concentrating / focusing on a task. Please help . .

OP posts:
Mousey84 · 16/06/2009 21:16

Theres quite a few threads on here atm on similar lines, in the Good Housekeeping topic. Some have challenges and a few people join in, some do FlyLady (great idea, but not suited to everyone), theres also the slatterns threads. All have good mixes of moral support and tips!

General consensus is a little bit at a time, and you cant organise clutter!

Do check out other threads and dont be afraid to join in

ChgdnoM · 16/06/2009 21:09


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