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How do I make my house smell nice?

30 replies

SuperBunny · 13/12/2008 19:34

Without baking. And preferably without a plug-in type thing.

It always has a 'used' smell which I don't like. I think it's because the carpets absorb the cooking odours but even having had them cleaned it is still there. It's not a revolting smell but isn't fresh and nice like other places I have lived.

I have the windows open as much as I can and have tried bicarb but I am stuck now.

OP posts:
farrowandballs · 15/10/2011 23:18

supermarkets in chinatown usually sell massive bags of bicarb for super cheap if you live in a city with a chinatown?

PeachesMelba · 13/10/2011 16:03

I have a large, carpeted living room. Where can I buy a job lot of bicarb?

tinkerbelleworkshop · 12/10/2011 13:39

Geranium oil smells lovely. I dab it on the stairs carpet half way up (in the corner so you cant see a mark) and in the hall so you get a waft as you go by. This way it doesnt linger where you sit, but nice as you come in the house.

starfishmummy · 05/10/2011 15:28

A few years ago I lived in a rented flat with a very odd smell. I just resorted to burning incense and oils all the time.

Deesus · 05/10/2011 15:17

I do this thing where you get an orange and push cloves in to it all around (so it is 'studded' with them iyswim) then put in on a radiator. It'll gradually dry out but as it does it releases a lovely orangey clovey smell. They last for a fair while too!

I usually do this round christmas as it has that fruity spicy type smell! Smile

KarenC1 · 05/10/2011 15:11

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frostyfingers · 15/12/2008 14:05

I dry lavender in the summer, then sprinkle it on the carpets about 1/2 hour before hoovering. When you hoover it up it smells lovely, although it doesn't last that long.

captainmummy · 15/12/2008 13:19

Lavender/orange oil dabbed on the radiators, or those tumbledrier sheets draped over them. When hot they release the frangrance.

Or talc sprinkled shake-and-vac style on the carpet then hoovered.

Or yep coffee grounds in a warm oven.

blossomsmine · 15/12/2008 13:16

Going to have a look for grapefruit oil when on my way to school run

VivaLaPotPourri · 15/12/2008 04:26

I know the culprit to my odd smelling home - DS tipping milk on the carpet/rug. Getting laminate this saturday which should help! Was going to suggest bicarb & oils. One or both go in the hoover, I am not sure which mind.. Perhaps someone has already said ...

SuperBunny · 15/12/2008 02:54

I will look for grapefruit oil tomorrow.

Slur, can you be a little more specific about the oranges and knives? I could do stuff to oranges with a knife but it might not have the same effect.

OP posts:
S1ur · 15/12/2008 01:01

Boysie (Boysarelikedogs) does things with oranges.... I think it involves heat and knives.
ForgetfulNess · 15/12/2008 00:55

uplifting even.

ForgetfulNess · 15/12/2008 00:55

I like Grapefruit oil.

It's fresh and really uplifing.

blossomsmine · 14/12/2008 23:51

Can anyone suggest a nice essential oil to buy? Nothing too strong as dh can't stand artifical 'plug in' kind of smells I would like a nice fresh smell in the house aswell

SuperBunny · 14/12/2008 17:14

Thank you all

Will put essential oil in the hoover, on the radiators and light bulbs and will bicarb the carpets again tonight.

I'm about to bake bread too, so that will help! I'm still waiting for you, Filly. Door's unlocked, baking stuff in cupboard by cooker

OP posts:
NorbertDentressAngel · 14/12/2008 09:49

Could there be some damp somewhere? Not necessarily noticeable damp with mildew etc but just a slightly damp wall/corner/floor maybe? Not sure how you'd find it though.

Also as others have suggested carpets and curtains can make smells linger.

For a quick nice smell around the house, if your radiators are on, put a few drops of essential oil on some cotton wool or tissue and pop it on a radiator.

ILikeToHoHoHo · 14/12/2008 09:42

Put a few dabs of essential oil on your lightbulbs, when they are turned on and get warm they will release the fragrance.

Fillyjonk · 14/12/2008 09:34


i am being sucked back into mn

littlelamb · 13/12/2008 20:33

Our flat smelt funny when we moved in too. Took months for it to smell right. I would suggest persevering with essential oils, I like burning lavender while the dc play (I can at least maintain some semblance of calm) and yes Yankee Candles are lovely, even though I generally think scented candles are a bit naff. To get rid of carpet smells (and this was a great tip from MN when I bought a rug at a boot sale that STANK) cover it with bicarb of soda, leave overnight and hoover up. Try it a couple of times, with the essential oil int he hoover maybe, and it might make a difference.

ggirlsbells · 13/12/2008 20:28

yankee candles are fab!!
look crap but smell great and last ages and ages

Sazisi · 13/12/2008 20:20

You can put a few drops of essential oil on a ball of cottonwool and put it in the hoover, it'll make your house smell lovely while you hoover.


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SuperBunny · 13/12/2008 20:18

Yes, will get xome more scented candles. And will scout out some lemongrass oil,


OP posts:
SuperBunny · 13/12/2008 20:17

Cookies is a great idea. Do you want to come and make them, Filly?!

Toot, I do have endless joss sticks but it makes it smell like some sort of hippy hangout. Which it is not. Most definitley not. I have no hippy tendencies whatsoever. Honest.

If I could, I would get rid of the carpets. I think the solution would be to move

OP posts:
idontlikesundays · 13/12/2008 20:17

scented candles

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