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OK, I need a GOOD mop. Does anyone have expertise in this area?

29 replies

PottyCock · 28/10/2008 11:50

We have slate floors and polished floorboards. DD has started to crawl this morning and I am about how dirty she got. I hoovered and mopped yesterday and still it was filthy .

We need a better mop. I'm thinking one of those squeegee squashy ones. Anyone have a fab mop and want to share the brand?

OP posts:
blossomsmine · 08/11/2008 20:58

Thanks mppaw Think i need to get one next week

PottyCock · 08/11/2008 21:02

yes you do

my life is transformed

on the packet it says you actually just use water, but I've been using soapy water too. come back when you've joined the cult us.

OP posts:
MrsThierryHenry · 09/11/2008 15:25

I never use a mop. The best way is always a damp cloth, bucket of soapy water, and hands and knees. No need to sweep and mop, either - you do it all in one go.

MrsThierryHenry · 09/11/2008 15:26

MPPAW - I did hands and knees throughout my preg and I was HUGE! It's great for encouraging your baby to turn to the right position (spine weighs them down and they rotate until they use your tummy as a hammock, if that makes sense)

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