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Thursday Fly.. the one where we where we all wish Grouchy good luck in her interview

37 replies

sagacious · 16/10/2008 07:42

And have a collective group hug (don't tell MN)

pick your babystep

mission might have to scroll as i'm not sure i've done this right

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AnneOfAvonlea · 17/10/2008 07:17


AnneOfAvonlea · 16/10/2008 21:10

Ruby - send the invites over and I'll take a look. Thank you.

Madhouse - your mum is obviously in a bad place right now and it is right that you feel a sense of need to help her. She clearly needs to talk to someone so I hope that it can be arranged. However, and I dont mean to be unsympathetic but you have a difficult year ahead of you and you need to make sure that you and the boys are the number one priority. Take care
RubyRioja · 16/10/2008 20:37

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scattyspice · 16/10/2008 20:06

Phew mad she sounds like more than the average needy mother . You are absolutely doing your best for her, she really does need to stand on her own feet. If you were to do anymore it would probably just increase her dependency on you. Hope you can sort something out for tomorrow.

Anne I have always admired people with shoes in plastic boxes .

grouchy reasurring news about ed, you must be relieved.

car retrived from garage
ds reading done
hoovered (finally)
DCs beds changed
need to check igor.

bb tomorrow.

RubyRioja · 16/10/2008 20:02

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RubyRioja · 16/10/2008 20:01

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TheMadHouse · 16/10/2008 19:56

Ruby She did have some councelling at the time, but my mother thought that they were wrong and that she knew best bla bla bla, which is my mother to a tee. It was agreed that they couldnt help her if she was unwilling to help herself. She wants to wallow in self pity and thinks that everyone should bow to her needs.

She told me once to get over it (dads death) as he was only my father. Mind you this is also the woman who said that if she had her time again she wouldnt bother with having children Only good thing I have done is have children - she adores the boys and they her. Which is whay I want her to get better and am going to put the effort in.

RubyRioja · 16/10/2008 19:36

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TheMadHouse · 16/10/2008 19:10

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - watch out Mother rant again

I called round this morning to take her shopping and she wasnt up - nothing strange there - apart from she is still in her PJ's from Sunday

She just wants to go to sleep and not wake up. I am so bloody angry. What am I supposed to do. I have a 3 and 2 year old sat in the car, she is in a state. I have spoke to her GP and got her an emergency appointment for tomorrow, but she wont go unless I go with her. DH can not take the morning off - a uncancellable meeting with his boss. My two friends are unavalable too. SO now am going to have to ring outlaws or bloody brother. gah.

She is always bad this time of year, as tomorrow is the anniversary of dads accident (9 years ago) and he was in ITU for 4 weeks under sedition and paralysis utill his death. He was never allowed to regain consiousness. But this is getting out of hand, we have our own family now and life can not revolve round her. Normally she just picks a fight and hides away, this is somewhat different.

I have told her that me and the boys will never forgive her if she takes her own life

Sorry I just needed to get it off my chest. No flying done - just running around after my mad mother and taking the boys to a friends BD party. The poor bithday boyt threw up on the way to the soft play

AnneOfAvonlea · 16/10/2008 17:53

Grouchy - that's great news about DS.

Ruby - tvhat's crap news about your course.

I have cleaned out my understairs cupboard today I bought 20 x plastic shoes boxes and so most of my shoes are now in those. I've also found 4 baby changing bags so plan to freecycle those. Means I no longer have a dumping box in my hall for shoes.

sagacious · 16/10/2008 17:19

x post go
oh well I'll try and remember to revive title for next week!
Your day sounds crazy, good news about ed though


OP posts:
sagacious · 16/10/2008 17:17

well done tigger

7lbs in a week !!crikey thats good going !

I've been failing to lose that amount for the past 4 months...

ruby thats a shame re evening class

Have cleared the clutter on the kitchen windowsill, been to the gym and done some PTA stuff.

Have also got the new Jamie Oliver book (ministry of food) Apart from the annoying intro "Hi Guys" (eugh) the recipies are simple but look really tasty so have ammended my sainbos order for next week accordingly (I do seem to have ordered 6 lemons and a housefull of herbs though )

Right am babbling off to make dc's tea

OP posts:
grouchyoscar · 16/10/2008 17:16

Thanks for the thread title but it's next Wednesday Sorry I didn't let you know.

Yesterday was bonkers. I did a morning classroom support at the school then I get a call from Ed's School The Educational Psychologist is having a meeting about Ed and would like me to be there at 1:15 xseveral.

Grouchy motors (on foot) the 1.5 miles from the school to town and grabs a cab to the school. Meeting a sucess, Ed does have motor skills issues and they are going to work out what additional needs he has and to write a programme of exercises and activities for him. I was assure he's very bright, doing well (sorry PFB moment there) and I'm doing well by him and have nothing to feel bad about my parenting. {Phew}

Came home, made tea, cleaned up, filled DW, bathed Ed, did all the bedtime routines and crashed to bed

Today has been equally daft.


Up and downstairs
Make porridge
Empty DW
Put away
Load WM and run
Serve breakfast
tidy away
Pack up empty boxes for Ed's class
Up and wash
Wash ed and nit repel him
Down to help Ed dress
Take him to school
Go for PTA meeting
Go hunting for sports kit for Ed in Town (Fruitless)
Go to Out of town shopping hell centre
Organise diary while on the bus
Get 2 England strips for £15
Buy Ed an Xmas pressy
Avoid IKEA
Go to next town
Home and make lunch
Collect Ed
Do Spelling homework with him
Make lunches
Make Bed
Pack swimming kits
Lay Ed's clothes out for morning
Organise a Royal mail re-delivery
Sew handle back onto lunch pack for Ed

To Do

Ed's tea to make
Go swimming
Go to Tesco

and Tomorrow won't be any less bonkers!

intravenouscoffee · 16/10/2008 14:03

Productive morning at the coffee household. Given the bathroom a proper clean and done a zone list for it so feel as if I've accomplished something - it's quite easy to do as there's nowhere to put any clutter and hence no clutter!

Ruby That's really annoying. Are there any other courses you were interested in?
Lucys Enjoy your day off! Our local butcher is great, at our last house the nearest one was a half hour walk but having one on the doorstep is fab and I really appreciate them.

Hope everyone's having a good day. Taking DD to the play centre this afternoon for some soft play. Should be fun!

lucysmam · 16/10/2008 13:07

I've thought about it scatty just don't think we have the space here tbh. Am going to have a proper look into it when we move though as MIL said the same thing the other day. & I quite enjoy having kids around . . . unless they're being stompy noisy monsters shouting "nanna nanna nanna nanna nanna" like mine is at the mo.

Good (ish) news about the car btw, I was expecting you to come back saying it had cost hundreds!

I gave up on my day off, been trying to work out the best way to get as much as possible out of £10 at our local Netto as the prices there keep shooting up by 10-15p every time we go . Still not got very far though, I don't know how we manage on soooo little sometimes!

Have also got last lot of footy shorts out on the line & s&s'd bathroom & kitchen and hoovered upstairs. Going to sort living room once the lo has finally gone to nanna's.

Right, back to my list juggling I go via the kettle for another cuppa tea

scattyspice · 16/10/2008 12:23

Hi again.

simply hi

lucy £60 is no good. Have you thought about being a childminder officially? I think you'd be really good at it.

Ruby what was the eve class to be? Are they going to put it on again some other time? I fancy salsa dancing .

mad the car was £90 which is better than i thought . Should keep it going til Jan when MOT due.

To do:
same list except done garage and changed write shopping list to go shopping as Ds invited to friends tomorrow so can't go then.


lucysmam · 16/10/2008 12:06

Awww Ruby, I'm gutted for you! I loved the evening class I did last year. What was it going to be?

I have been doing . . . not a lot.

Just flicking on t'internet whilst waiting for oh to get back with MIL. Proper day off here. Even the lo is just pottering around with random bits of paper atm

RubyRioja · 16/10/2008 11:49

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lucysmam · 16/10/2008 10:45

I am back again!

Bit of a pottering not doing much morning going on here

Trying to think of something I can do that doesn't take too long but will make me feel like I've achieved something as well as the house is not too bad . . . did most of it at random o'clock while praying that the lo dropped off to sleep again

IVC I wish our 'local' butcher was actually local, it's either trek to the next village or into town to buy meat from an actual butcher around here which is . There's no proper local shops at all apart from 4!!!! florists all within 2 doors of each other iykwim

tigger 7lb . . . well done you!!

intravenouscoffee · 16/10/2008 09:47

Hello all and good luck Grouchy!!

Going well so far this morning but need to RR the lounge as it looks as if someone has held the toybox upside down and spun round in circles, scattering toys far and wide.

Have already been to the shops and even beat some of the local oldies into the butchers They have offers on mince and pork at the moment so have stocked the frezer for a couple of weeks.

Meeting a friend at the park in half an hour so need to get sorted. Back later.

RubyRioja · 16/10/2008 09:46

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tigger32 · 16/10/2008 09:42

Morning all


saga thanks for thread and links, hope you get the news you want from dh!

lucys £60 for a month they are taking the pi**!

I'm playing catch up again today as yesterday I did morning routine and that was it!
Went to weightwatchers last night and I've lost 7 lb I can't believe it!

To do today
IRONING - the cupboards are nearly all empmy!
3 missions from this week
hoover upstairs
tidy playroom again
prepare veg for dinner

BBL when i've done something


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Jas · 16/10/2008 09:39


Maybe the shoes were from Bianca then..... I've had them ages but they definitely came from FLYer.

I'm going to toddler group in 20 mins, and the morning stuff isn't done. I'll get as much as I can done, and report back at lunch time...

lucysmam · 16/10/2008 09:20

saga, you're here a lot this morning!!

Yeah £60 for the month . . . just wait til I see um! Am tempted to stroll up to the school at drop off time & find out why that's all they have given me! I said no to doing it for one of my best mates for that little so why should I do it for my oh's mates!?

sagacious · 16/10/2008 09:10

Right am setting timer to stun for 15 mins and am going to sort out kitchen !

lucy £60 for a month!!

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