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How can I clean my dd sandwich bag

10 replies

cornetjo · 15/10/2008 09:05

My 6 yr old dd has always had a hard sandwich box before now which is lovely to clean. However, she fell in love with a softer type one with a long strap. I opened it this morning and is stinks. I have cleaned it with hot water and a cloth but it still seems to be the same. The thing is there is stitching inside and there are bits of food debris stuck there which is obviously decaying and causing the whiff.

Is there a better way to clean it? I dont think it will withstand the washing machine.

OP posts:
WalkerBurnie · 17/10/2008 16:20

Bicarb maybe or milton.

lou33 · 15/10/2008 16:52

stick it in the dishwasher

jellyshoeswithdiamonds · 15/10/2008 16:47

To get rid of stinks you could try spraying white vinegar (wilkies for 99p) and leaving it overnight. Use an old toothbrush to get at the awkward bits.

I machine wash DCs every so often but they've got the GAP soft lunch boxes which seem to be indistructable (had them over 4 years and still going strong). Haven't tried machine washing the other soft/shiny fronted type but then they don't seem to last as well as the GAP ones.

mehgalegs · 15/10/2008 10:06

I always stuck them in the washing machine, every Friday and they were ok

cyanarasamba · 15/10/2008 10:04

I soak in a bowl with half a cap of biological washing liquid, rinse, squeeze and hang up. Seemed to so the job.

PsychoAxeMurdererMum · 15/10/2008 10:02

I have always bunged mine in the washing machine with no effect to the lunch bag......ever.

I have done this each holiday, with every type of bag they have had, and with five children being in school now for 10 yrs, you can imagine the amount of lunch bags I have gone thro.

honestly......I have never had a problem. In fact, the hardest thing I find is when my boys think that a lunch bag is a good substitute for a football!

Tiggiwinkle · 15/10/2008 09:43

I wipe ours out with anti-bacterial wipes every day-that seems to work ok.

jazzandh · 15/10/2008 09:39

how about sprinkling bicarb in, brushing it into the stitching, then wiping out thoroughly?

bellavita · 15/10/2008 09:10

Can you turn it inside out and gently hand wash it? then perhaps put it in the airing cupboard to dry out or on top of the radiator?

I just generally wipe ours out after every use which seems to work.

ipodtherforipoor · 15/10/2008 09:08

but if it stinks that bad it wuill need to go anyway - stick in the machine.

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