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Tuesday FLY Lady Thread. - Don't worry it will be the weekend soon enough!

57 replies

grouchyoscar · 07/10/2008 01:35

Thought I'd make myself useful so

Here's the mission (Easy, I don't have one )

and here's the Babysteps link Just choose your day

I'm on a 'Surviving your child' course this morning, week 2 of 10. Homework for this week has been 'Play with your child'!?! It seems to be working as it's got Ed away from the TV, games and toys played with and some schoolwork done. We have to hope it's effective

See you this afternoon. Be good to yourselves.

OP posts:
tigger32 · 07/10/2008 12:55

Afternoon scatty

Our bedtime routine is very simple
after dinner the boys have last drink
bath or wash
teeth cleaned
kiss and cuddle
lights out

Sometimes I put a music/story cd on for ds1 to listen to in bed

Hope that helps Good luck tonight

tigger32 · 07/10/2008 12:57

Forgot to say we start bedtime routine about 6.15pm so both tucked up by 7pm at the latest

scattyspice · 07/10/2008 12:58

Thanks tigger, what time do they go to bed and do they share a room? (mine do and I think this may be the problem ).

Jas · 07/10/2008 13:00

scatty - What do you do at the moment?

Ds is 2.7. I don't let him sleep during the day, and he has bath straight after tea, then milk, a cuddle, a story and up to bed at 7. As long as I've kept him going all day, he goes to sleep almost immediately (he is still in a cot, as putting him in a bed was a total disaster)

DDs are 8 and 9, and bedtime is 8.15 and 8.30. No messing about at all. I just send them up at bedtime. Neither of them goes stop sleep, but as long as they are changed and quiet I leave them to it. Videos are allowed at weekends. Books or quiet toys the rest of the time.

Jas · 07/10/2008 13:02

dd2 and ds share a room. If ds has napped he will be awake til 10, and keeps dd2 up, as long as he is asleep, nothing she does will wake him up. The dds shared and had the same bedtime until quite recently. They did keep each other awake sometimes

grouchyoscar · 07/10/2008 13:05

Thanks for the support Ruby Very much appreciated

Suppose I shouldn't start threads while feeling a tad sensitive. Never mind. I just wanted SAHMs to feel positive about what they achieve in life. Is that too much to ask?

Scatty the course is called Webster Stratton and is being run through the school's learning mentors. Children's Centres also run it. I'm enjoying it but I do have homework to do, just observing how new approaches work for Ed. I came home with a kilo of home made playdough this morning

I have organised and 'hidden' the Xmas stash. I think he has plenty to go at already but it's always worth checking for bargains.

Better make lunches ttfn

OP posts:
ludaloo · 07/10/2008 13:08

Grouchy you could start a thread titled "Mnetters are all wonderful, well mannered and well ajusted" and you'd still get an arguement!
I know where you are comming from hun.....I am sure everyone deep down knows it too....but that would be far too easy to agree with!

tigger32 · 07/10/2008 13:17

scatty no they don't share a room now, they did for a bit but it didn't work.
Could you stagger bed times so half an hour between them?

tortoise · 07/10/2008 13:18

I have packaged up some Ebay parcels but not done much else. Better get lunch then pick DD2 up from school. Will have more time tomorrow hopefully.

GO I don't know if you saw on a previous FLY thread that i said to you that i had done webster stratten course 2 yrs ago and found it very good. Need to get back to reading the book because i have slipped back totally!

DS2 beat me at boxing!

EustaciaVye · 07/10/2008 13:36

Pah. No nap here. She is too young to drop her naps. Swimming hasnt even tired her out.

grouchyoscar · 07/10/2008 13:40


Cheers for your comments about my other thread Luda Nice to feel appreciated

Tort yep I remember you mentioned it last week. It seems to be trotting along quite well. Ed is responding positivley to it too and it is amazing how quickly the change has been. He now Knows he can do writing and do it well and loves doing it rather than the teeth pulling experiences of summer.

Ed took a tiny car, the same model and colour as his fave teacher's. He was thrilled to show it off to her and his friends and sad when I took it home.

Lunches done, having mine, I suppose I better get the job apps done (Thanks for the kick start Rubes 8luda*

OP posts:
grouchyoscar · 07/10/2008 13:48

And thanks for your comments too EV

Feel like I've got me mates round to stick up for me

OP posts:
TheMadHouse · 07/10/2008 14:01

You have got your mated round - you are hard, they are hard, we are hard

Bedtime routine

Books and puzzels

This happens between 5 and 7 and I try to give them my attention or if DH walks in I walk out

I have only managed to pack up some things for ebay tort

Ds2 has woke up and my head is pounding

cafebistro · 07/10/2008 14:39

Afternoon everyone

Tigger Feel much more positive today. Strange how it comes in waves isnt it?


Emptied d/w and reloaded
Emptied t/d and folded and put away
Pickled beetroot
Decluttered....large kitchen drawer, kitchen tops, window sill.
Cleaned kitchen window and sill.
Cleaned steriliser and put away for the next one ( ha as if !)
Cleaned spice rack and toaster.

To Do-

Ironing. Probably end up doing it tonight.
General Tidying.
Hoover and sweep floors.

My DC's bedtime routine :

Bath/wash 5.30- 6.30pm
Milk 6.30- 6.50pm
Teeth brushed and bed by 7pm. Luckily they both go together, though DD still wakes in night for feed. I had to stop DS's nap just before DD was born as he was wide awake and not wanting to go to bed until 8.30ish! I could have done with him having a nap in the early days after having DD too but decided that I would rather him go to bed at a reasonable time instead. And he was always really cranky when he woke up too.

scattyspice · 07/10/2008 15:58

Hi guys.

Thanks for the routines. At present (DCs 5 and 3.7):
Bath or PJs on 7
Sit with us and watch dvd with me/us and drink milk.
7.45 bed with story.
7.45-8.30/9 I sit on DDs bed waiting for her to go to sleep (if I dont sit there she cries or they just muck about) trouble is DS talks to me so doesn't fall asleep until after I've gone!
They don't nap during the day. They wake up at 7.30-7.45am.

I need to re-think .

lucysmam · 07/10/2008 16:09

Afternoon all (just)

Well, after town I started ploughing my way through Mad's list from yesterday & it's starting to make a difference. Going to keep at it this evening I think - take my mind off what a shitty day it's been!

OH seems to think I can magically do everything, including sort money out! Doesn't help that no money = no fags = grumpy snappy oh

He's taken himself off upstairs, not sure what doing but Lo has a little friend round, they are nicely so thought I'd take 5 mins to chill!

Will read the rest of the thread this evening, finding it very helpful to vent on here atm without funny looks because of whatever I've said coming my way!

EustaciaVye · 07/10/2008 17:02


Dds are 4.5 and nearly 2.

Up for bath at 6.30. In bath together by 6.45.
Get DD2 out at 6.55 then dry and read story while DD1 has a bit longer in the bath. DD1 tucked up by about 7.05.
DD1 then gets out, dries, teeth, story etc and is in bed by about 7.30

EustaciaVye · 07/10/2008 17:03

scatty i would cancel out the dvd tbh and just let them have milk and a story after the bath. it might help them wind down.

Bewilderbeast · 07/10/2008 18:08

evening all

I hope all are well and happy (sorry no time to read thread)

bread in bread maker
wm on
washing up done
ds taken to grannies
booked santa express
picked ds up from granny's
picked dp up from the train station
did mini shop
washed up
unpacked shopping
made ds's tea
loaded dishwasher
got rid of dead food in fridge
tidied kitchen

off to night school shortly

TheMadHouse · 07/10/2008 18:18

I am so glad that DH is in, my boys have been somewhat challenging this afternoon.

I am going to have a bath once they are in bed and DH is cooking

scattyspice · 07/10/2008 18:51

EV you may have a point.

ludaloo · 07/10/2008 19:18

Evening all

Well I'm back from my Avon round. Had supper and now I'm sorting washing out into various piles!

DH is currently dismantling the spare bed and we are moving the computer into the spare room to free up some space downstairs. That's his project for the evening! If I'm not around tomorrow then it hasn't worked!!!


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tigger32 · 07/10/2008 19:51

Evening all

Feel like i've had a pretty constructive day today
I have done
clean out fridge and wipe seals
clean washing machine drawer and where it goes
w/m door and seals
been to asda and put all away
whats for dinner - sausage casserole
posted thank yous
collected lottery winnings
afterschool routine
los to bed
cleaned microwave inside and out
started before bed routine
breadmachine on
tomorrow dinner sorted

just ironing to do

tortoise · 07/10/2008 21:16

Evening all.
Shopping has arrived. Lots of party bits for DS2's party. Bought 10 tins of hot dogs and 13 pks of rolls!

I have to make his cake tomorrow so that i can ice and decorate it Thursday. Doing a football cake.
Bought one for his party.

Can i have your opinions?
I had asked XP1 if he wanted to go halves on the disco BUT i really don't want him there. From past experience he just sits and does sweet FA. DS2 doesn't care if he isn't there.
So should i tell him not to come? Am just about able to pay the full price if he won't pay if he can't come. But he pays for nothing else so feel he should contribute. But i can see that it would be unfair to stop him coming if he pays half.

EustaciaVye · 07/10/2008 21:53

tort - let exp pay hald and then sit in the corner and do sweet FA. Your purse will be better off and you will be too busy to talk to him anyway. DS will also noticed the difference in effort but will be pleased his dad is there anyway.

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