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some has gone and started ww3 in my house!!!

14 replies

SheSellsSeashellsByTheSeashore · 18/09/2008 09:13

well thats what it looks like anyway. i have been for two days just two days and my house is fit to be condemned.

im still ill but no longer wishing for death so im going to try and fix the house.

jobs for toady are

drink coffee while googling recipes for strawberry muffins
locate dh's bank card go and buy missing ingrediants for strawberry muffins and buy gas
tidy living room and hoover while waiting for water to heat
quick bath
wash up
make muffins
wash up muffin things
load of washing in
dd2's dinner
clean yard
tidy washing basket
try and come up with new meal plan after googling depression beating veggies.
collect dd1 from school and deposit at dancing.
go to buy depression beating veggies
collect dd1 from dancing
start tea
bath dds
dds to bed
wash dd1's uniform if dirty
do some ironing.

OP posts:
lucysmam · 18/09/2008 20:07

lol, my scales are rubbish too! MIL gave them to me after she had them for about 25 years

Still, so long as they're edible, that's all that matters!t

Thanks SheSells, enjoy your ironing

SheSellsSeashellsByTheSeashore · 18/09/2008 20:05

i got it off the bbc website this one i found i had use a lot more milk but thats probably because i used too much flour due to my rubbish scales that keep sticking

OP posts:
lucysmam · 18/09/2008 19:56

could I be cheeky n ask you for your recipe then? Unless you'd rather do your ironing

SheSellsSeashellsByTheSeashore · 18/09/2008 19:53

oh and clean yard but that will have to wait now untill tommorrow

OP posts:
SheSellsSeashellsByTheSeashore · 18/09/2008 19:51

the muffins were good actually. im still buying new scales though. i still need to;

put dds to bed
wash tea things
do some ironing.

amazingly dd kept her uniform clean .

ill keep that in mind maraduke. thank you

OP posts:
marmadukescarlet · 18/09/2008 18:31

Bananas have a lot of selenium, as do brazil nuts - good mood food.

lucysmam · 18/09/2008 18:27

How are the muffins SheSells? Did you manage all your tidying?

SheSellsSeashellsByTheSeashore · 18/09/2008 14:48

wash up muffin things
clean yard
collect dd1 from school and deposit at dancing.
go to buy depression beating veggies
collect dd1 from dancing
start tea
bath dds
dds to bed
wash dd1's uniform if dirty
do some ironing.
make up dd1's snack bag done
check amazon for digital food scales to avoid any further muffin disaters done
remove philadelphia from dd2's hair and face. done

muffins are edible. need more flour and baking powder in the next batch.

new jobs
clear up mess under high chair

OP posts:
SheSellsSeashellsByTheSeashore · 18/09/2008 13:54

you are right donk. hope you get on better with chores than i have been doing.

wash up done
make muffins in oven going terribly wrong
wash up muffin things
load of washing in done
clean yard
collect dd1 from school and deposit at dancing.
go to buy depression beating veggies
collect dd1 from dancing
start tea
bath dds
dds to bed
wash dd1's uniform if dirty
do some ironing.
make up dd1's snack bag

new things to add.

check amazon for digital food scales to avoid any further muffin disaters
remove philadelphia from dd2's hair and face.

OP posts:
Donk · 18/09/2008 12:53

Maybe not - but 'its the job as is never started what as takes longest to finish....'

And you have motivated me to get on with my endless list of chores.


SheSellsSeashellsByTheSeashore · 18/09/2008 12:48

okay my lsit now looks like;

quick bath done
wash up
make muffins
wash up muffin things
load of washing in
dd2's dinner done
clean yard
tidy washing basket done
collect dd1 from school and deposit at dancing.
go to buy depression beating veggies
collect dd1 from dancing
start tea
bath dds
dds to bed
wash dd1's uniform if dirty
do some ironing.
phone about job done
make up dd1's snack bag

i dont appear to be getting very far do i?

OP posts:
SheSellsSeashellsByTheSeashore · 18/09/2008 11:29

yes muffins do sound more fun. but the mess is annoying me. and dh and dd1 has even started to notice it so i need to tackle that. two days???!!! how can so much mess be created in two days?

okay my list now looks like;

tidy living room and hoover while waiting for water to heat done
quick bath
wash up
make muffins
wash up muffin things
load of washing in
dd2's dinner
clean yard
tidy washing basket
collect dd1 from school and deposit at dancing.
go to buy depression beating veggies
collect dd1 from dancing
start tea
bath dds
dds to bed
wash dd1's uniform if dirty
do some ironing.

and i need to add

make up dd1s snack bag
phone about job.

OP posts:
lucysmam · 18/09/2008 10:30

I am lol at someone starting ww3 in your house! Mine usually looks like that too!

Start small, thats what I usually do. All tooys away & stuff that doesn't belong gets put in carriers to be deposited in right rooms as I go.

You could always forego tidying in favour of your muffins though! They sound a much nicer option than tidying

SheSellsSeashellsByTheSeashore · 18/09/2008 09:53

drink coffee while googling recipes for strawberry muffins done
locate dh's bank card go and buy missing ingrediants for strawberry muffins and buy gas doing now
tidy living room and hoover while waiting for water to heat
quick bath
wash up
make muffins
wash up muffin things
load of washing in
dd2's dinner
clean yard
tidy washing basket
try and come up with new meal plan after googling depression beating veggies. done
collect dd1 from school and deposit at dancing.
go to buy depression beating veggies
collect dd1 from dancing
start tea
bath dds
dds to bed
wash dd1's uniform if dirty
do some ironing.

no one joining me? encouraging me? i need motivation. im still ill and tired

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