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Can you all have a look at me living room and help me decide what to do with it please

31 replies

nutcracker · 28/08/2007 19:41

Right, it is a bit of an odd room. It was originally 2 rooms, but the old tennants knocked the wall down.

I would like the wall back up, but it's never gonna happen, so I need to know what to do with the room.

Xp painted it a Liqure sort of colour, but as you can see from the pics, he never finnished it off.

I don't mind repainting the walls, and would love a brown/crea/duck egg blue scheme to go with my choc brown sofas.

Am wondering if I should paint the fireplace wall another colour to the rest of the room, but if I do, should I continue it down the whole wall, ie into the dinning room end too ??

these are the pics

I know it is hard to tell but the wall where the fireplace is also has alarge wall unit on it, but further down. I might get rid of this though.

OP posts:
Nbg · 28/08/2007 20:02

Oh farking hell at the advice too!


CatIsSleepy · 28/08/2007 20:03

Nbg has just said most of what I was going to say!

I agree, paint or paper the the fireplace wall and add maybe a nice big mirror over the fireplace, and definitely more stuff on the walls generally...maybe put some of your photos on the walls instead of on the fireplace etc

a nice big square rug, maybe a deep cherry red

some shelves either side of fireplace?

melsy · 28/08/2007 20:03

I know , weirdy huh !

scattyspice · 28/08/2007 20:06

Duck egg blue cushions.

Agree rug and coffee table / storage box and maybe a throw.

All my walls are magnolia as crap at colour schemes.

melsy · 28/08/2007 20:15

Thankyou for the verbal strokes nbg , lovely to hear xx

nutcracker · 28/08/2007 20:30

Fab advice, thankyou all

I can't move the unti to elsewhere though, it just won't fit. It is in 3 pieces but tends to look odd as seperates.

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