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Why do my duvet covers get belly button fluff?

5 replies

Clary · 17/08/2007 21:17

And do anyone else's?

I wash them every week, turn inside out to uncover and wash, iron inside out (easier) and then a week later, put em back on (this is also easier inside out).

And lo and behold, the corners are full of fluff. How is this possible??

Where has it come from in just a week of sitting in my blanket box? They were fluff free when on the bed, honest.

What's going on and is it just me????

OP posts:
expatinscotland · 17/08/2007 21:22

Try pegging them out for a while, turned inside out.

Clary · 17/08/2007 21:25

well I know of course I could wash them right way out.

As it is I just pick it out and put in bin. But what I want to know is where does it come from? And does anyone else have it?

OP posts:
expatinscotland · 17/08/2007 21:31

Are you drying them in a tumble dryer?

Even if they're dry, you can still peg them.

I like it better that way. They smell nicer, IMO.

I can't wait till I can peg out our clothes and stuff again.

fiddlemama · 17/08/2007 21:34

Don't have a problem with fluff but would like to know why, when it takes me half an hour and a lot of swearing to get the duvet inside them , do they come out of the washing machine/tumble dryer with everything else in the load neatly balled up inside them?

Clary · 17/08/2007 21:44

nononono don't use tumbler since stopped with real nappies (ie any nappies).

They are all hung out in the lovely fresh air.

Why can't you peg yrs out expat - ahh is this cause you are in a flat but soon in a house?

fiddlemama there is a reason something to do with inertia. Can't be bothered to search for a previous thread about it tho

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