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Chenille throw, can I put in washing machine?

7 replies

pjsmum · 17/08/2007 08:29

Last nigh DD launched a cup of milk over the chenille throw on the sofa, not impressed!! Anyway, the label states professional dry clean only. Can i put in washing machine on a cool, gentle wash? Anyone any ideas please before the stench of stale milk drives me mad!! Thanks

OP posts:
franke · 17/08/2007 08:35

Personally I'd risk it, but don't take my word for it! Is it cotton chenille or synthetic? If it's cotton you could even tumble dry it to keep it nice and soft. The risks are colour run and/or shrinking if you wash it.

babygrand · 17/08/2007 08:36

I put everything in the washing machine! I think if it's milk you have to risk it.

babygrand · 17/08/2007 08:36

Wouldn't tumble dry though.

pjsmum · 17/08/2007 08:39

Thanks, I'll risk it. Won't matter if it shrinks a bit cos its huge!!

OP posts:
diplodocus · 17/08/2007 08:43

I once put a chanille jumper in and it disintergrated, making a hideous mess of the washing machine! I'd be a bit careful if I were you.

Blackduck · 17/08/2007 08:56

If you are going to risk it DON'T USE FABRIC CONDITIONER!

ChippyMinton · 17/08/2007 09:01

Put it inside an old pillowcase/duvet to save clearing up the fluff if it does shed?

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