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Moths! aargh

8 replies

MegBusset · 14/08/2007 13:59

Have just found a moth in DS' clothes drawers . Have shoved entire contents of drawer in the wash, but does anyone know a good alternative to mothballs... don't want to use chemical ones as DS has eczema and his skin is v v sensitive.

OP posts:
lulu25 · 14/08/2007 14:01

i found one on our very expensive new curtains today.

give up now. you will never win.

isaidno · 14/08/2007 14:06

cedar wood balls are supposed to deter them, or lavender I think....

Mommalove · 14/08/2007 18:28

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alycat · 14/08/2007 18:35

listen to lulu - moved into a house that was riddled with the feckers. Ceadar wood balls only work to 'repel' them, can't do much about the ongoing invasion.

I'm an organic, tree hugging lentil lover but my advice is GET SOME CHEMICALS and kill them! My wardrobes now stink of moth killer/repellant as so many here don't know what to do - all my lovely wool jumpers and a beautiful carpet my late father brought back from India after his Commission finished (60 yrs ago) Sob, sob.

Killed one today, daren't go into the loft - eat the clothes off your back!

Beenleigh · 14/08/2007 19:38

I found a carpet in our loft today infested with them. Have binned it, and been vacuuming up larvae for the rest of the day down three flights of stairs. Am really going to have to clear out loft or everything will be ruined. Can't bear the idea of having everywhere smell of moth balls. YUCK! Suppose that's the best bet though if they're only in the loft

Beenleigh · 14/08/2007 19:38

alycat, have you actually managed to get rid of them?

MegBusset · 14/08/2007 20:48

I have no moral problems with chemicals but DS' skin reacts to just about everything so really don't think I can bring out the big guns this time! Will try the cedar wood balls.

I guess the only consolation is that he will probably outgrow the clothes faster than the moths can eat 'em...

OP posts:
MuffinMclay · 15/08/2007 21:44

MegBusset, this won't be of any help to you, but might interest other moth victims. After faffing around with moth balls, lavender spray etc, which just deter the moths and make them relocate elsewhere, I found a fabulous Rentokil moth spray. Instant death to moths.

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