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16 replies

FlameBatfink · 13/08/2007 08:19

C'mon then

Have you got washing in the machine?
Do you know what you are having for dinner?
Mission is here

I'm not too sure how much I am about today, but will drop back later

OP posts:
FlameBatfink · 13/08/2007 10:05

Change your sheets

OP posts:
FunkyGlassSlipper · 13/08/2007 18:04

Awww, how exciting to have a thread all for me

Bit of a stressful day aas took DD to hospital for eye test and she needs spex. She's only 3

Anyway, I'm over that. Both DDs are fed and I have cleared away the dinner things.

Haven't done the sheets but I do have a load of clean washing ready to take up and put away.

I promise to clean the loo as per mission next time I go #

How are you getting on?

FlameBatfink · 13/08/2007 19:42


I did some washing....

and went out

OP posts:
FunkyGlassSlipper · 13/08/2007 19:54

Anywhere nice?

OK, so kids in bed and I've just put the dishwasher on and kitchen is clear. Someone coming around in a bit but lets do this tomorrow !

FlameBatfink · 13/08/2007 19:55

Eventually an MNer's house - will tell of my hell later!

OP posts:
FunkyGlassSlipper · 14/08/2007 08:54

Tell me about yesterday then Flame....

My night was terrible. Up 4 x with DDs, and DD1 wet the bed too

No time to put the washing on now as we're going out in a minute (time to MN though )

Is your sink shiny?
Do you know what is for dinner?
Have you put a load in the w/m?

FlameBatfink · 14/08/2007 10:06

So ....

I was meant to be meeting KittyPickle at a farm at 1.30pm.

DS pooed as I went to put him in the car, so was late setting off... went the wrong way ? more late.
Went to turn right, then hesitated whilst I made sure it was the right turning ? turned out, but by that time there was a car coming at me!!! Sat sobbing in the car for a few mins about nearly killing my babies.

Finally get there, nearly 2pm ? and it is shut. No sign of KP!

Call the mobile number I had in my phone (the one I had sent a text to saying I was running late...) ? the woman had no idea who I was.

Called my mum a bit hysterical, no idea what to do ? didn?t want her to think I had stood her up. Mum suggested going to her house ? but I had no idea where I was in relation to her house, so had to go back the direction I came until I got my bearings and could find my way there (been once before about 10 days ago!!!).

On the way there was texting Sparkler hoping she had her number so I could let her know what was going on!!!

Got there, hysterical mess... she had planned to wait until 2pm, but her DD needed the loo after 15 mins so they had had to head back ? she went with the theory I would phone (she had given me the wrong number!), or go to her house.

All fine in the end, but I was sooooooooooooooooo frantic

OP posts:
FunkyGlassSlipper · 14/08/2007 13:19

LOL. That is the kind of thing I'd do. I remember driving aorund for 45 mins trying to find a blinking soft play area once.

Not in the mood to do too much housework today tbh but I have done the basics...

FlameBatfink · 14/08/2007 18:04

I've erm... rinsed a nappy.

Tis about all today

My mum took us out for lunch, so DC just need sandwiches for tea.

What's the mission anyway??

OP posts:
FunkyGlassSlipper · 14/08/2007 18:16


erm.......clean your bathroom bin and do a 27 fling boogie.

bugger. DD2 trying to eat glass tv cabinet. back in a bit.

FlameBatfink · 14/08/2007 18:56


OP posts:
FunkyGlassSlipper · 14/08/2007 19:53

Noooo. So not funny.

I am absoultely whacked tonight and my head hurts so much I'm going to have to stay off MN.

Lets be all inspirational tomorrow

FlameBatfink · 14/08/2007 19:58

Sorry... tis amusing from the outside in

OP posts:
FunkyGlassSlipper · 14/08/2007 19:59

I meant to add a

I can see the funny side....honest.

Are you over your journey from hell yet?

FlameBatfink · 14/08/2007 20:32

Yup - but nearly killed my babies again today (in my defence, when it is crappy visibility, cars that are rain/wet road coloured should be forced to have lights on ) - I didn't see him, pulled out... I shouldn't be behind a wheel

OP posts:
FunkyGlassSlipper · 15/08/2007 10:09

I've only been driving for a year or so and often have moments like that

I have a load in the washing machine and dishwasher but we're off out to softplay now.

Mission is here clear your medicine cabinet...

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