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Water Mark on car seat. How di I get rid of it?

2 replies

FunkyGlassSlipper · 12/08/2007 14:17

I think my DDs swim bag as made a wet patch on my car passenger seat and now there is a circle in the middle of the seat which must be a water mark. Any ideas on how I get rid if it?

OP posts:
Kbear · 12/08/2007 15:51

You'll probably have to clean the whole seat and that means both the seats so they match! I bought some upholstery cleaner in Wilkinson's (big dark green can) and it worked a treat on DH's car. It is in the section with car accessories.

FunkyGlassSlipper · 12/08/2007 18:15

yikes really!

Isnt there something i can just do a spot treatment with?

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