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his stuff; tidy by his standards but not by yours. what do you do?

13 replies

hatwoman · 12/08/2007 12:32


OP posts:
hatwoman · 12/08/2007 12:34

or, for that matter, your stuff tidy by your standards by not by his

OP posts:
NotADragonOfSoup · 12/08/2007 12:37

It's called "compromise" and is all part of living together.

bran · 12/08/2007 12:37

My stuff not up to his standards, ignore his unreasonable whinging. His stuff not up to my standards (well I don't actually have standards, so lets say his stuff in my way) whinge non-stop until he breaks or swoosh his stuff into the study and leave it in the middle of the floor so that he can't get to the computer.

Double standards work very well for me.

hatwoman · 12/08/2007 13:06

I much prefer the bran approach. dragon you are being far too reasonable. unless you mean that he has to compromise

OP posts:
WideWebWitch · 12/08/2007 13:08

I scream "PLEASE will you sort this shelf full of crap out, I cannot stand this stuff everywhere, aaaggghh"

WideWebWitch · 12/08/2007 13:09

But dh pointed out yesterday that sometimes I don't care about mess and sometimes I am very excised about it. So it all depends on the day of the month, the weather, my mood, all sorts. Hell to live with,me.

hatwoman · 12/08/2007 13:16

hmmm. I generally find that about once a month I stomp round the house declaring that no-one else cares; no-one ever does a proper tidy-up/sort-out; and the videos, cds and other stuff are a right old MESS. tis all true but the rest of the month it doesn;t bother me (much). funny that.

OP posts:
Saturn74 · 12/08/2007 13:22

hatwoman, you have just described me!

Tinker · 12/08/2007 13:24

ditto hatwoman

WideWebWitch · 12/08/2007 13:39

Moi aussi, pmt abounds atm

WideWebWitch · 12/08/2007 13:39

Yesterday I had a right strop that I had a 2 hour sleep int he afternoon and when I came down the dishwasher needed loading. He would have done it if I had left him to it.

ladygrinningsoul · 12/08/2007 22:00

Put it all in a crate or carrier bag and dump it on his desk, or on his side of the bed

policywonk · 12/08/2007 22:04

Every now and again his stuff gets 'tidied', and certain crucial bits of Stuff mysteriously find themselves in the bin, and other crucial thingamajigs without which other Stuff will not work are placed in the third drawer down on the left behind the ironing board, and DP lopes around yelling that he cannot find Stuff, and he is told that if he will not tidy, then Someone Else Will.

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