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Anyone up for a challenge? Is your house a tip? IM GOING ON A CLEANING MISSION - Come and join me!

31 replies

LoveMyGirls · 12/08/2007 10:40

Dp has said he will take the children out later so i can crack on with stuff round the house, whole house needs a good clean!

Who wants to join me?

OP posts:
RGPargy · 12/08/2007 10:45

You must be joking! You can come and do mine too tho!

moljam · 12/08/2007 10:47

my house is tip but im on mn!and im not moving!ds2 is at childminders tomorrow for 4 hours so i can attack house-common sense tells me get it done now while hes snoozing and have 4 hours to chill tomorrow but mn wont let me!

LoveMyGirls · 12/08/2007 11:33

well i am a childminder and i have 5 kids tomrrow and have had 5 kids quite often since summer hols started, we were on hols week before last though soooooo thoguh i try to keep on top of it, it needs a really good deep clean - i know that by this time tomorrow it will be dirty again downstairs but at least upstairs will be a haven of cleanliness for a few days! Will have to deep clean again wen hols are over!

OP posts:
MrsWeasley · 12/08/2007 11:53

well I did kids rooms last week a blitz like I've never done before . It has taken a week for them to realise they old toys are missing and that only happened because Daddy told them "see you havent missed those toys have you" well done DH!!

Will take on your challenge and clean and tidy kitchen (I cant find the work surfaces )

going to get on now

harleyd · 12/08/2007 11:56

i just love your enthusiasm
but im going to the pub instead
the house will keep

moondog · 12/08/2007 11:58

I've just whizzed through the house like a dervish and am now off to take the kids swimming and for Sunday lunch.

Nowt like a clean and tidy house to lift spirits.

charliecat · 12/08/2007 12:00

Have you started yet?
I will do my bedroom, as you cant get in the door for clothes...but only when i know im in good company

PersonalClown · 12/08/2007 12:05

Can I do mine tomorrow?
I've got some lads sorting my gardens out and there's no point in clearing up till it's done.

MrsWeasley · 12/08/2007 12:15

defo off to start now (just had to check for any news on Misdee's Peter but coudlnt find any.)

LoveMyGirls · 12/08/2007 12:20

Dp not going out til about 2.30ish so i'm not even attempting it until then!

OP posts:
harman · 12/08/2007 12:20

Message withdrawn

charliecat · 12/08/2007 12:24

Ok i havent started yet either, my place is always grotty, i am used to it now

charliecat · 12/08/2007 13:53

Im going to get a head start

LoveMyGirls · 12/08/2007 14:36

Right the house is empty and i am on my own for the first time in a while the place is a complete tip!!!!!!! im going to tie my hair up put some tunes on and get it sorted!!! Meet back here for a cuppa break at 4pm!

OP posts:
harman · 12/08/2007 14:46

Message withdrawn

LoveMyGirls · 12/08/2007 14:48

My best mate who i havent seen for 3 weeks has jsut phoned and wants to ocme at 4ish so need to do as much as possible!!

OP posts:
charliecat · 12/08/2007 14:48

Im not dressed either, I have cleared all the stuff off the floor onto the bed and into baskets.
It will take at least till 4pm to get thru it. Then I have 3 rats cages to clean.

MellowMa · 12/08/2007 14:49

Message withdrawn

LoveMyGirls · 12/08/2007 16:10

Have done some but got much more to do and friend due any min!

Have doen all surfaces aprt form upstairs bathroom (but have put the bin to soak in bleach!)

Have tidied dd2's draws so nothing that doesnt fit her is in there! Have taken all clean clothes upstairs, stripped bed, and generally tidied, basically i have floors, bit more washing, gotta put all washing away though which is a big job! And clean bathroom etc

OP posts:
charliecat · 12/08/2007 16:34

I have tidyed room but its still not done and is rot. I have put washing on and am on rat cage no 3.

MellowMa · 12/08/2007 16:42

Message withdrawn

harman · 12/08/2007 17:21

Message withdrawn


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MrsWeasley · 12/08/2007 17:23

I was doing so well, cleared one complete worktop (a whole bin bag full of rubbish) then I uncovered a new bottle of wine (thats how bad the work surface was, I couldnt see it under all the clutter ) I opened it to have a little glass to keep me working and drank the bottle

MellowMa · 12/08/2007 17:44

Message withdrawn

charliecat · 12/08/2007 18:49

I have cleaned rats cages, all 3, and tidyed my room.
I am about to gut kitchen. I am going out in an hour........yay hey

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