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@@@@@@@@@@@THURSDAY FLY@@@@@@@@@@@

29 replies

grouchyoscar · 09/08/2007 02:28

Morning ALL I hope this mission is the right one. Are our kitchens in such chaos we need a week of intensive decluttering?

OP posts:
FunkyGlassSlipper · 09/08/2007 08:22

Morning all.

OK, sick bug hope (fingers crossed) but off out swimming today. Will try and clear out cereal cupboard later

Have a nice day everyone!

ludaloo · 09/08/2007 08:27

Morning grouchy

My kitchen always needs decluttering LOL!

I'm waiting for the water to heat up so I can jump in the bath. I'm on serious decluttering this week. I'm doing the cupboard under the stairs today. I've pulled the blanket box out from our room (Huge pile of mess left behind to sort too....the basket didn't actually have blankets in...just more crap!!)and I'm putting all the shoes in it. Then I can either recycle or chuck the useless pairs.
Coats are my mission after that....

I will see how I get on, I have to go food shopping at lunch time.

Right well going to crack on before the bath is ready.

Morning all

ludaloo · 09/08/2007 08:28

Oh...x posts...hi FGS enjoy your swim

shouldbe · 09/08/2007 08:38

Morning all

Hope the bug stays away FGS, have a good swim

I need some of your decluttering spirit to rub off on me Luda I never did finish the spare room (far from it) and the utility room is still unbearable! And then there's all the other cupboards where "stuff" (ie junk) is shoved in a hurry to keep all the visable areas tidy!

I hope to tackle the kitchen cupboards a bit today. I did some a few weeks ago but there are a couple which still need attention.

Dd is off at another workshop today (last one) then we may have people to play later...I'm secretly hoping they don't call as I think we could all do with a lazy afternoon...

EHM · 09/08/2007 08:45

Morning Each & EveryOne of You

grouchy are you catching the strange hours to be awake bug from aufish? Thanks for the thread. Hope you get a nap later?
FGS enjoy the swim, hope the bug has gone.
ludaGood luck with the decluttering
shoulbehope you get the lazy afternoon.

I have lots to do today. My bed in stripped, washed & on the line.
Sister, Partner & their little boy arrive today until sunday. mission to clear washing basket.

Have a great day all.x

shouldbe · 09/08/2007 09:16

oh dear, dd has started to cry and say she doesn't want to go to the workshop today not sure if I should make her go or not really. I've paid for the ticket so will be out of pocket but it's not worth forcing her esp as she seems v tired and weepy...she may enjoy it once she's there though....

I've also just heard that I'm needed at work this afternoon so my ideas for a quiet afternoon have just gone out the window! I'll have to go with the kids in tow so that'll be fun

grouchyoscar · 09/08/2007 09:46

Hi EHM this might explain last night's sleeplessness. Got a few hours in the end and watched a good/interesting/down right odd programme on Discovery.

Hello Luda Shouldbe and FGS Hope the kitchen declutter goes smoothly and the DC's enjoy their activities this morning.

Pathetic DONE list

UP and downstairs
Empty DW
Put away
Shine sink
S&S worktops
Put tablecloth on the right way round (doh)
Make breakfast and serve
Check bank accounts.

Tidy breakfast things away
Get washed
S&S Loo
S&S bathroom
Get dressed
Make beds
Vac downstairs
Entertain Ed
Make lunch
Take Ed to the play session at the children's centre
Further Ed amusing (He's been banned from computer games and films until tomorrow)
Attend steering group meeting in town.

Glad I blitzed the house over the past few days so I can take it steady today

OP posts:
EHM · 09/08/2007 10:15

grouchy how odd, what on earth could the neighbour have been doing at this ungodly hour My imagination would have went into over drive. I would have convinced myself that he/she was a serial killer etc. Hope you get to the bottom of it. Maybe she was getting a head start on todays mission
Anyway have a good day. I am off to get on as Ellie is napping she just isn't right at the mo.
shouldbe hope dd is ok, pants about work this pm.

shouldbe · 09/08/2007 10:27

very odd grouchy... EHM work will be OK, the kids and I can go and have lunch out in a nice little cafe and garden while we're there so that'll compensate for going in at all.

We've been watching an army helicoper landing in the field opposite our house - very noisy, but fun they come along quite frequently and practise landing etc but it's usually at night. It's fun to get a chance to watch them in daylight, they came twice yesterday too.
Dd has decided she does want to go to the workshop so we're heading out in a mo.
Have got nothing done at all this morning!

julezboo · 09/08/2007 14:27

Hellooooo lovely flyer's!!!

I havnt read the thread, just popping on to say hi and let you know Im still alive

DP is off this week so we have been out doing stuff and today and tomorrow we are finally getting the kitchen sorted and the bedroom Before he goes back to work on Monday!!

I have done the odd bit of flying, no missions this week though!

Hope everyone is well xxx

EHM · 09/08/2007 14:53

Hi julez enjoy the remainder of your week. glad you are getting the kitchen sorted
shouldbe hope your afternoon has been ok? I've emailed you.

Done bits & bobs when Ellie would allow me too. The gas man is here again today. I really need to get sorted. Washing basket emptied, most of the washing dried. I 've even washed the curtains on patio doors & cushion covers
I may be back later but my sister is arriving until sunday. If I am not have a great weekend all.x

FunkyGlassSlipper · 09/08/2007 15:04

Hi everyone,

Have hoovered downstairs and also done lots of filing (yawn).

DDs both asleep at the same time (very unusual) which made it easier

grouchyoscar · 09/08/2007 16:03

Having 30 mins. Ed went to play and got covered in paint...hands, feet, face, arms and legs

Done list
Tidy breakfast things away
Get washed
S&S Loo
S&S bathroom
Get dressed
Make beds
Vac downstairs
Entertain Ed
Make lunch
Take Ed to the play session at the children's centre
Get Ed home, strip him
Put clothes into soak
Load wm and run
Make a mid afternoon snack
Tidy away
S&S kitchen worktops
File paperwork

To Do
Further Ed amusing (He's been banned from computer games and films until tomorrow)
Vac downstairs
Peg out laundry
Put clean dry laundry away.

Mentioned the matter to the neighbour and seems she was just on a manic cleaning kick for the neighbour who is away. Seems she had about 10 loads of laundry that needed doing. She has 4 kids, is working nights and has a hopeless with housework husband. So I'll leave it at that.

Better play with Ed. Bye for now xx

OP posts:
grouchyoscar · 09/08/2007 16:04

Forgot to mention I gave Ed a shower too

OP posts:
ludaloo · 09/08/2007 17:03


Well I have:
Done 3 loads of washing
De clutered the downstairs cupboard
Sat on the beach for an hour and ate a picnic (DS decided to get in the sea no change of clothes!)
Food shopped (with a wet DS!!)
Fed kids and guinea pigs..and the cat
Just about to hang the 3rd load of washing out on the line

Have to:
Make supper (having a late supper tonight)
Tidy round
put one more load of washing in

Hope you are all ok

Jas · 09/08/2007 17:14

Sorry I am falling off the FLYwagon, and losing track of the threads atm
My kitchen always needs decluttering grouchy FGS and anyone I've missed with sick dc, I wish them well[smi;e]

I keep shoes in a huge builders bucket under the coat stand. It is one of the hotspots left to clear this week.

Sorry for all I've missed. I'm finding it hard to keep up with all three dc around, particularly as dp has been home all week too.

tortoise · 09/08/2007 20:12

My house is a complete tip .
I don't know where to start. As soon as one bits tidy they fill it again.

Jas · 10/08/2007 00:04

I've given up til they go back to school, tortoise
Just go out alot and have fun. The mess will still be there in September.

tortoise · 10/08/2007 00:05

lol Jas. Good plan!

Jas · 10/08/2007 00:08

You waiting up for news on Peter too?

tortoise · 10/08/2007 00:10

yes i am. So is Aufish. Shes on MSN

Jas · 10/08/2007 00:12

Aufish is always up at this time though. I bet she is ironing again.


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Jas · 10/08/2007 00:12

Aufish is always up at this time though. I bet she is ironing again.

tortoise · 10/08/2007 00:34

Lol! No not ironing tonight

AufishFeQueen · 10/08/2007 00:56

Nope I'm not ironing! Shock horror! shock horror!

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