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Washable playroom rug

6 replies

Goosegettingfat · 14/08/2018 15:08

Does such a thing exist? DH and I were nearly bickering the other day because he had not supervised our toddler, who had consequently drawn on my beloved wool rug in the playroom. DH said "well maybe it's not the right rug for in the playroom then". And on reflection he's irritatingly right. I need a non-flashy but attractive rug or which is non-slip, makes the playroom floor a bit comfier but can be shoved in the washing machine.

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Goosegettingfat · 14/08/2018 15:09

On reflection, maybe large washable cushions are the way to go??

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Aprilshowersinaugust · 14/08/2018 15:26

Ddog puked on our Ikea rug, sprinkled washing powder on it, dh jet washed it outside and put it over ds's playhouse to dry!! Maybe not a wool rug but a good idea for others!

BriocheBriocheBrioche · 14/08/2018 15:27

La redoute sell Lorena Canals rugs which are beautiful and washable.

silkpyjamasallday · 14/08/2018 15:27

You could get a rag rug, easy to find on eBay in a million sizes, colourful and appealing for dc and you just bung them in the machine if they get dirty. You just need non slip backing for it if it’s on wooden/tiled floors.

Goosegettingfat · 14/08/2018 19:23

Brilliant, thanks all- I've just picked one of the Lorena canals ones- they're lovely and just what I need 💐

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