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House organisation tips

31 replies

BrightBushyBee · 04/08/2018 11:18

I know these threads have been done to death but I'm desperate for your tips about how you keep your house organised. Not cleaning tips as such, just general 'running smoothly' ideas: keeping it decluttured, keeping on top of tasks/to dos, saving money without blowing it all by not being sensible. Anything that has made your life easier that you can share with a frazzled and disorganised me. Thank you!

OP posts:
Enervator · 22/08/2018 23:24

lightlover commit to putting everything in a diary or on a to do list. Makes a massive difference.

supadupapupascupa · 24/08/2018 22:51

i bullet journal. it's brilliant

Polkapjs · 25/08/2018 07:36

I started the other thread but still learning so much from this one. Stuff without a home is our main issue.

Thinkingofausername1 · 25/08/2018 18:53

Any tips @Japonicaisstillahorsygirl on how you get the others to put away their washing? If I don't do it it clutters up downstairs or the bedrooms. Confused

BlueGlasses · 26/08/2018 12:21

Thank you for the excellent idea about 2 x weekly food deliveries. I spend a ridiculous amount of money with top up shops every week. I've just signed up to Tesco's delivery saver, got a one month same day deliver free trial and already planned this weeks dinners. I've ordered a delivery to arrive tomorrow morning to cover me till Thursday and then I'll start a new order for a Thursday delivery. I think this will be a game changer for me and save me lots of cash in the process.

And my own contribution to the discussion is lists. For example I have saved on the computer a holiday packing list which I modify every year as the kids have grown up, print out and resave for the next holiday.

Heartshapedfairylights · 26/08/2018 12:35

I love threads like this!

I have a bullet journal that doubles up as my teacher planner. This has been a game changer. If I don’t have access to it immediately, I put reminders in my phone.

Any forms or payments for school, I do when the letter/email comes in. I take a photo of school letters just in case!

Another top tip is to sort uniform on the weekend. I have a little plastic five drawer unit. I have five sets of uniform for each day of the week, including socks and pant which I put in each drawer for each child. This prevents problems in the morning like “Mum! I can’t find any matching socks!”

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