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Has anyone got a tall breadbin?

6 replies

Honey1975 · 10/02/2018 11:49

Really want to get a breadbin this weekend as it's all cluttering up the worktop. Haven't got much space so am looking for a tall one if possible rather than a long wide one.
Have done a quick search but mostly wide ones. Also is it essential to have the airtight lid as quite a few don't seem to have this?

OP posts:
ChishandFips33 · 10/02/2018 19:59

I have one similar to Orange but single tier. I like it as I can put other things on the top to save bench space

Holds a loaf and small pack of buns/crumpets

iatethepies · 10/02/2018 19:02

I have a tall round one from argos, it came with coffee tea sugar and a biscuit tin. It has a rubber rim around to keep it airtight but it is the biggest pain in the arse to get open some times and has resulted in many bent back nails.

BreakHerOffAKitKat · 10/02/2018 18:59

Sorry only just seen your question - I can get one loaf and a pack of bread rolls but not tried more than one loaf

Orangesox · 10/02/2018 11:59

We have this one, it’s absolutey fab!

Has anyone got a tall breadbin?
Honey1975 · 10/02/2018 11:58

Thank you can you fit more in than just one loaf of bread?

OP posts:
BreakHerOffAKitKat · 10/02/2018 11:57

I have this one from Next - good seal on it and bread stays fresh for a good while

Has anyone got a tall breadbin?
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