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7 replies

Livelovelaugheveryday · 22/07/2017 12:49

Hi guys
I don't want no nasty comments please just a little advice on how to get him to help out a little and aibu to ask?
Right I'm a mum to three and I work my issue is I do everything! Maybe it's my fault for not asking before but I do the cooking I do the school runs I do all the housework I do the family shop etc I do the baths the homeworks and I'm always the main driver (petty I know) when I'm not doing all this I'm working in a very demanding stressful job.
I have asked in the past for him to help a little but it's always him saying he'll do it later or he's too tired. I do keep in mind he works full time and I don't and he takes on the big bills but overall he has a very easy life! How can I tell him that I want more help believe me iv tried but it don't work
Can't believe I need advice on this lol but I'm getting worn out! Anyone else have an extremely laid back man?

OP posts:
Livelovelaugheveryday · 25/07/2017 00:38

Iv now stopped doing his washing so his cloths are piling up slowly feel bit petty but I'm so tired it's unreal!

OP posts:
MeanAger · 23/07/2017 20:33

Stop asking the other adult in the house for "help"!

Stop doing anything non essential. (This includes all cooking and laundry for him, all picking up after him, all lifts for him) Let him notice things haven't been done, let him raise the topic and ask why things aren't done, then tell him "because you haven't done them"

user1499786242 · 23/07/2017 20:30

No advice but wow you must be exhausted!
He needs a kick up the bum
Or to start paying for a cleaner etc

GrubbyWindows · 23/07/2017 09:21

What noSqirrels said!
Don't "ask him to help". Alert him that he is not pulling his weight in his house with his family. You are now stressed and tired so are unavailable to do his share. Ps he owes you x years of you doing more so you are looking forward to him returning the favour.

NoSquirrels · 23/07/2017 08:11

Write a list of all jobs.

Take a week to tick off what you've done, and what he's done. Add up how much time you get to yourself just sitting down without a "job" to do. Add up how much time he has.

Have a chat about it. Blokes generally like facts. Show him the list. Ask him what he could take on.

If this doesn't work, go on strike from his stuff - no washing/cooking/ironing etc of any of his stuff.

booellesmum · 22/07/2017 20:13

I find it helps if you ask them to do something while you are doing something.
ie, while I start the dinner please could you put the washing in? I really need to clean the clean the bathroom so please can you run the vacuum round?
I have one that just doesn't see stuff as well. This works for me. Would be really lovely if he would just think the washing needs doing or the house needs vacuuming but it's never going to happen!

wowfudge · 22/07/2017 20:08

Ask him to pay for a cleaner and outsource anything else like ironing and get him to pay. If he won't pull his weight but you are happy to be with him then he can step up to pay for his share.

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