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A Henry or a Hoover (or another vacuum cleaner)?

28 replies

FoxesOnSocks · 22/10/2016 10:59

I had a Miele, which seems to be unwell (weird noise, smells way too much like it's about to set on fire).

I'd get another Miele (it's our fault it's dying as somebody the husband used it to clear up chunks of plaster) but they are €€€ (and I'd like one that is useful for pet hair) and none on sale at the moment and I want to spend under €200 (in Ireland).

Always heard good things about Henry and Henrietta (not sure about the pet hair side of things) like the idea of the long lead thingie.

But I've also come across a Hoover: I know nothing about Hoovers (bar the fact the scoundrel husband refers to all vacuums as hoovers (least he'd be correct eh!?)

Any way any suggestions? I open myself to the MN expert panel for advice on my next vacuum; I have a mixture of flooring - carpet, tiles, and wood laminate, plus a somehow very hairy short haired cat

OP posts:
FoxesOnSocks · 23/10/2016 21:49

Got a Henry (from DID).

We appear to be hard on vacuums in the house so it's hardiness appeals!! I'll check out that airo brush head though. I've gone through the house and was very pleased with the result (ignoring the dead mouse found under the couch - thank you Hairy Cat) it's mostly the couch (top of it) that gets furry and the brush attachment that you slide on the the other attachment head (that I can't recall the name of) worked well.

OP posts:
StrawberryLeaf · 23/10/2016 21:53

I hated the Henry Hoover, hated the way it got stuck round doors, toppled over all the time, weighed a tonne and I didn't think the suction was great. I'm back to Dyson.

Clairerandallfraserthe1st · 23/10/2016 22:02

I love my hetty but after a cordless dyson to just nip around the house with as the hetty is so heavy. However she has lasted us so long and really been put to the test.

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