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How to get stains out of kids clothes?!

7 replies

goalsandgoblins · 14/10/2016 09:02

Hello all, i have a 3yo and as you know clothes get grubby. Iv notices some marks or stains just don't come out even if you wash them twice is there anything else i can do to get them out?!

OP posts:
Needfinsnow · 14/10/2016 09:21

Squirt fairy liquid onto stain and put in sunshine if poss (indoor or outdoor) leave for a few hours and then wash, stain will be gone!

proudmums · 14/10/2016 09:20

A good wash with this cleaner and then hang em out to dry. That should do it.

Artandco · 14/10/2016 09:18

You need to soak them in cold water first and wash the stain out with cold water and fairy washing up liquid. Then into machine

Hot water sets stains so if you have already washed it it will harder to remove

BlondiBleach · 14/10/2016 09:17

I soak heavy stains overnight in napisan as well as using a stain remover in a colour wash or ecover bleach in a white wash. Napisan can also be used in washing machine with your detergent: it's magic stuff. Highly recommend - especially for getting stains out of whites

SnugglySnerd · 14/10/2016 09:03

A lot of stains magically disappear if you hang them outside in bright sunshine, even if it's cold outside. It works for tomato and orange stains.

DogsAndWolves · 14/10/2016 09:03

Vanish Gold is the best at stain removing that I've found.

peaceloveandbiscuits · 14/10/2016 09:03

Hang them out in the sunshine or soak in Vanish.

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