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What do you do before the cleaner

33 replies

mypropertea · 03/08/2016 11:27

So I am about to get a cleaner (squeeeeeee) and the reality has set in that I need to leave the house in a state that allows it to be cleaned. So I ask...

What do you do before your cleaner comes?

If your a cleaner- what would you like your client to do before you clean?

So far I am thinking that I will
Empty and load the dishwasher
Leave a note about any rooms that shouldn't be done that week or any special jobs that can be done if they have time
Make shore that there isn't rubbish on the surfaces so they can actually be cleaned
Put away he kids toys so the floor can be hoovered.

What have I missed?


OP posts:
GrumpyOldBag · 08/08/2016 19:50

Clean the skid marks off the loo.

get the dc to clear the mess off their bedroom floors.

that's it.

fishybits · 08/08/2016 20:39

Clear surfaces in the kitchen
Clean the loos
Empty the bins
Tidy up

OliviaTJoyce · 09/08/2016 07:51

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DixieNormas · 09/08/2016 08:28

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PaulFitzpatrick · 06/08/2019 10:22

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CharlieBoo · 06/08/2019 22:09

I run a cleaning business and I also have my house cleaned fortnightly by one of my ladies. Tidy up is the biggest thing. In a 2 hour clean if you have to tidy and wash up before you can start it cuts the actual clean time down hugely. To me that’s a waste of money.. I get my kids up (pre teen and teen) half hour early on the day she come just to make their beds and put their things away.. clear any rubbish/cups from their rooms.. I madly run around tidying up and shoving things in draws lol..

Make it clear what you want doing but thats also realistically achievable in the clean time ...

IsabelHaynes · 20/11/2019 13:28

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64sNewName · 23/11/2019 09:22

I stopped having a cleaner because the stress of tidying up beforehand was outweighing the benefit of having her come.

I realised I actually prefer to do bits of cleaning/tidying myself when it suits me, rather than having to face a weekly “oh god it’s Wednesday” tidying-and-toilet-cleaning blitz.

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