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What online diary do you use?

3 replies

nifaitniafaire · 04/01/2015 20:54

Not sure this is the right place to post but I'm after a dairy/calendar that DH and I can both use so that we don't miss important stuff anymore. I need to streamline things instead if having a Filofax in my bag, a calendar on the wall and DH's work calendar. Any thoughts?

OP posts:
iamthenewgirl · 05/01/2015 09:50

Google Calendar here too.

QuiteQuietly · 05/01/2015 09:42

Yes to google calenders. I use an app called Calendars+ which I use to view the google calendar through on my phone, as I find it a lot easier to use. The reminders and alarms are really useful.

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 04/01/2015 20:55

Google calendars that we share with each other.

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