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What do you all clean your wooden floors with?

10 replies

cardamomginger · 28/08/2014 15:59

We have oak strip flooring (mixture of original 1930s and reclaimed). What do I clean it with? The people who sanded and finished the floor gave us a Bona Wood Floor Cleaning Kit. Whilst it does make the floor all sheeny, it seems to do bugger all about shifting dirt. Plus the 'mop' is flipping useless and I end up having to do it on my hands and knees (which I will do, if it actually got the floor clean).

This is my first time with a 'proper' wooden floor, so I'm scared to go off piste and use other detergents. What do those of you who also have wooden floors use? TIA

OP posts:
Lovage · 30/08/2014 19:09

My varnished wooden floors are old and quite beaten-up, so I don't worry about spoiling their beauty (they are beautiful, but a beaten-up sort of beautiful, not a shiny new clean kind of beauty). I just clean them with random things I happen to have handy. Sometime a Dettol floor-cleaner that says you don't need to wash it off, but I find if you don't if feels sticky. Sometimes with diluted Flash in a bucket of water. Often just a wet cloth and warm water. Most commonly, I don't clean them at all, just hoover...

cardamomginger · 30/08/2014 09:10

Thanks everyone.

297 - hope they come up OK. Did the people who put them in recommend anything?

OP posts:
297 · 29/08/2014 22:41

Sorry to hijack - any thoughts on what to use on oiled floors? Ours have just been put down and they're covered in dust and plaster marks. Really want to sort them tomorrow but scared of using the wrong thing ...
Thanks in advance Thanks

CantSleepWontSleep · 28/08/2014 23:44

Another vote for method wood floor cleaner. Smells of almonds.

Jergens · 28/08/2014 22:46

Method wooden floor cleaner. Shifts dirt and smells lovely!

MrsPnut · 28/08/2014 21:24

We use a steam mop and no detergent unless there is a stubborn stain. The trick is to not leave the steam in one place for too long.

VirtualPointyHat · 28/08/2014 21:20

I think so, but maybe email them to check?

cardamomginger · 28/08/2014 16:33

They're not varnished. Lacquered. Will it still be OK?

OP posts:
cardamomginger · 28/08/2014 16:16

Thank you! Better check to see if they have been varnished!

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VirtualPointyHat · 28/08/2014 16:05

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