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upvc window frame cleaner

8 replies

pigleychez · 22/02/2014 21:16

Anyone recommend any good products?

We have just moved into a new house and the white frames and abit grubby. Would love to get them bright and shiny again.

OP posts:
wowfudge · 21/05/2014 10:28

There's a brand (think it might be German) that does all manner of different cleaners and polishes, sold in B&Q. I use their scratch cover polish on our dining room table and it's brilliant so I would imagine their UPVC cleaner is also good.

God that was pretty useless, wasn't it? Can anyone else think of the brand?

Finnchic · 21/05/2014 09:45

I found a product called Vistal Hard Surface Cleaner which can be used for loads of other things as well , like shower glass and stainless steel. It gives a slight polish as well so helps to keep it clean. look at their PVC cleaner page

charliewolf · 24/02/2014 22:49

Cream cleansers like Cif are actually abrasive and very likely to take the shine off as I found to my cost. Believe it or not, the best product to use on upvc is actually Brasso - removes marks and shines up a treat.

Coumarin · 24/02/2014 11:31

I used the cif cleaner on a frame that had candle smoke on it. (Very grey) Came up brilliantly.

Interested to know about the scratching. It's obviously slightly abrasive but I didn't think it would scratch it for some reason. I was probably in carried away cleaning mode.

pigleychez · 24/02/2014 11:23

thanks everyone.

Id heard some people say that the cream cleaners are slightly abrasive so scratch at the surface slightly?

Pheasant- I randomly picked up some of that in B and Q yesterday. I got the reviver one and it worked pretty well on the window I tried.

OP posts:
CalamityKate · 24/02/2014 09:52

I just recently did all ours with tesco value cream cleaner and they came up a treat.

Sillysarah49 · 24/02/2014 09:31

I have used a specialist cleaner and just an ordinary cream cleaner (like Cif) and the Cif worked just as well and a lot cheaper.

RevoltingPeasant · 23/02/2014 14:11

We have something called De-Solv-It UPVC cleaner that we got from BnQ. Works fine!

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