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The march towards Minimalism continues...

793 replies

MissAnnersleyismyhero · 04/02/2014 08:29

Hey all, thought I'd make a new thread to encourage us all to keep going on the journey to minimalism! Smile

OP posts:
MissAnnersleyismyhero · 19/02/2014 06:31

Congrats to Mr Fuzzpig Smile

I reckon the little and often idea will work well!

My own DH is applying for jobs too at the minute, let's hope there's good karma going around!

OP posts:
harrietspy · 19/02/2014 07:59

Great news, fuzzpig! And I'm always amazed at how much you can get done in 15 mins. Smile

fuzzpig · 19/02/2014 08:18

Thanks all :) I can't believe he starts so soon. He's also got his last few casual work shifts lined up which he can't back out of so starting Sunday I think he will be doing something like 13 days in a row Confused aaaargh! Oh well just think of the money...

I am hoping 15mins will be a minimum really and most days I'll be able to do a bit more, but even on the bad days 15mins will still be manageable. Hopefully.

DH is still going to do washing up, hoovering and ironing (just uniform really so twice a week) so that'll help a lot.

In a strange way I'm quite excited to be getting back into the running a house thing. I have never been good at it TBH, went straight from my parents' house (with DH living with us) to moving out with DH, and even when DH was working FT and I was SAHM he still did more than his fair share! But I've felt so guilty lately that DH has had to do pretty much every single thing and he just gets on with it, he's brilliant. But I feel like I can start making it up to him now. Working will be good for his mental health too I think.

Sorry I'm waffling now. Must get ready for work!

fuzzpig · 19/02/2014 08:24

Oh and the other good thing is although it's annoying he won't be home til around the DCs' bedtime, he doesn't have to leave until just before us in the morning, so he will still be able to get the DCs ready for me :) lucky really as I am worse than useless in the mornings, due to dizziness it can take up to an hour to get out of bed Blush

AmberSpyglass · 19/02/2014 09:48

Great news Fuzzing, congrats to your dh :)

It's so true about buying when you're sad, harriet, I'm terrible for this. We were quite poor when I was growing up and never got "nice" food, or were allowed to buy random stuff like magazines, or little toys or new clothes on a regular basis. So I think maybe when I left hone I thought great, I can do what I like now, which, coupled with the complete lack of budgeting knowhow, lead to the mindless over spending, debt etc which I'm only now getting on top of. I see spending money as some sort of reward or therapy, for feeling sad or having a good day or whatever. Not spending money, despite me knowing that its healthier and sensible, feels so dreary and sad. I need to get over this!

BeCool · 19/02/2014 11:43

I made some gorgeous, beautiful and functional blackout curtains last weekend.

So the 'will do for now/false economy' curtains I brought from a charity shop last year, have been washed and are being returned to a charity shop today at lunchtime, along with a big bag of toys and bits and bobs.

HOORAY for more outgoings!!

BeCool · 19/02/2014 11:46

Amber so much of what you say re spending money/happiness/rewards/deprivation etc resonates with me. And I could never understand why everyone else seemed to have so much more money (and later property) than I did.

the irony of it all is that this fruitless frittering away of hard earned cash keeps us "poor".

I am now increasingly in a place where NOT SPENDING money gives me a thrill. I've still got loads to do in this area of my life, but I can really FEEL how good not spending can be.

Little by little by little by little ......

BeCool · 19/02/2014 11:50

I also need to say that I am TERRIFIED of Mindful Browsing Ap/tool and cannot even look at it at the moment.

Which means I am in desperate need of it I guess.

Will get there eventually. It is so great to continually come back to these threads for support and to keep learning.

AmberSpyglass · 19/02/2014 13:53

That's great becool, that you get that good feeling from saving, rather than spending now. I will get there too!

fuzzpig · 19/02/2014 18:20

The subject of needing to spend is a really interesting one. The stuff about clothes, like the project 333 thing, are nearly irrelevant to me as I just don't care about clothes. For me my spending weakness is stuff for the DCs - books, games etc. It is still a need to get away from my own childhood though I think.

It's getting a lot better now, DH and I have agreed there won't be any random purchases anymore, for example if we want to get a new family DVD it has to come out of our 'pocket money' (I've spoken of this before but as it's a new thread with new posters, basically DH and I have £20 each a month for frivolities like DVDs which is enough for a treat but keeps spending in check) or it'll wait til their birthdays or Xmas.

Toys is still really the main thing I have to work on reducing - they have so much still!

Have to say I'm really looking forward to getting back on with it. Must finish my book so I can get on with reading Minimalist Parenting (I never have more than one book on the go at once) - if it's anything like Simplicity Parenting it'll be really motivating.

Anatana · 19/02/2014 19:05

It's interesting. I've not done an Ocado shop or bought anything from eBay or bought any clothes since the New Year, which is not really very long but I have felt the loss of it more keenly than I expected.

I notice that I have begun snacking and even buying sweets, great big bags of them. It's so out of character DH has remarked on it, with surprise (not censure!). I think I had a tendency to graze on eBay/Ocado as a regular small pressure relief: a cigarette break, transcoded (ex smoker). Now I've shut that down and the compulsion has transmuted again, to wanting sweets, a little treat, a little bit of something sees you right.

I don't actually object to a little treat; I'm not at all puritanical; but I could do without type 2 diabetes so I need to find something else less harmful to shift into again. DH wants to get me a swim membership at a place near us so maybe I will try that for a month and see if that helps, and get some decaf tea in, for the theanine, maybe.

I have a pretty high stress life, with which I cope pretty well, but I like to keep an eye on what weird shit I do to deal with it-- so I can embrace the stuff that helps and junk the stuff that hurts. IDK which this is, yet.

fuzzpig · 19/02/2014 20:03

That's a really healthy thing to do Anatana. I've been learning, gradually, to do similar - basically my health has forced me to! I've been seeing an occupational therapist and psychologist as part of my treatment and a lot of it has been assessing the link between behaviour and symptoms both over short term and long term.

In a strange way I am actually happier and more fulfilled than I've ever been, despite being obviously much worse off physically. The illness and therapy has made me look after myself more by doing things that help me, not just physically (things like baths for pain relief) but mentally too, like allowing myself some time for playing piano (but not so much that it makes my hands ache).

I'm planning my schedule (more like a list as it's a collection of things I need to do each day once DH is working) and it's made me really happy to add in a 30min of doing something I enjoy.

MiniSoksMakeHardWork · 20/02/2014 08:09

Whoops! Went to get the dc measured for new shoes yesterday. Was really good in the shoe shop and only bought shoes for the two who needed them, plus two new pairs of slippers. But then proceeded to purchase a new keyring, handbag, iPad cover and mugs in the Radley shop BlushConfused. I've broken a keyring though so it has gone onto a set of keys, my iPad cover was wearing out rapidly and my favourite mug finally fell apart around Xmas time so I've been using 'house' mugs since.

Also bought the dc some new clothes, especially dd who appears to have had a growth spurt. But I am taking the too small stuff out as soon as it comes through the wash and putting it in the clothes to go bag. My mum is having all her old (but clean and perfectly serviceable) underwear for her house as spares for my toilet training niece. So in the grand scheme of things more has gone out than came in. But I still had a pang of guilt that dh convinced me to get a new handbag I didn't need but was such a lovely bag and a good price. Today's mission is to get rid of at least one unused handbag so I can justify replacing it. I actually think I have several which could go if I thought about it.

AmberSpyglass · 20/02/2014 18:46

Could you eBay them, minisoks, so you're getting at least some of the cost back?

I got rid of a huge pile of clothes yesterday, gave them to a friend. I'm going to go through some others and see Whst can be eBayed and what will have to go to the charity shop.

evertonmint · 20/02/2014 22:26

Very quiet on the decluttering here as so busy juggling work and half term. But my contract finishes next week and then I have a week of DD still being at nursery her extra days so will have a good week to tackle jobs. List making at the moment!

Practising minimalism in other areas, I guess by trying to minimise waste, and use what we have before we acquire more. Using random odds and soda of skincare samples up rather than buying new - saves money and clears drawer space. Food waste wasn't bad anyway as we were very conscious of it already but I'm getting creative with what might still get wasted. Still on Kindle purchase ban while I work through bookshelves - this might take me all year! But I'm enjoying the light feeling each new non-acquisition brings - learning to appreciate what I already have.

I did buy new woollen socks on Monday though. Feet have never been as toasty. Why did I not discover these before? Grin

DeathMetalMum · 21/02/2014 08:12

Very quiet here too on decluttering. Dd1's birthday party last week created a lot of recycling so all bins were full to the brim so no chance for extra. Dd2 is poorly so not got a lot done but I have a mental list as long as my arm that needs writing down. We have been good on the food front and have been using a lot of our freezer reserve which has meant a very cheap shop this week.

educatingarti · 21/02/2014 10:17

Just dropping by to keep me on the thread! 2 bags of stuff taken to chazzer on Monday so at least that is something! Have been recycling a lot of card and paper too. Hoping to do some cleaning/sorting later today.

The one thing I have been very successful in decluttering is my weight. I've lost a stone since the start of January! I'm wearing cords today I've not been able to get into for years a while. Not sorting out too much more clothing wise until I'm at the weight I want to be (at least another 1/2 stone to go) and see what fits!

TeacakeMax · 21/02/2014 14:41

Afternoon all. Congrats to fuzzpig's DH on his new job! fuzzpig - good luck to you next week too. It will be fine and you just need to take things steadily.

The 15mins idea is a good one and it's such a cliche but it's amazing what you can get done in a short, defined time if you put your mind to it! I managed to clean my kitchen sink yesterday (proper Cillit Bang scrubbing and then bleach job) and it's the shiniest it's looked in months! It only took me 10 minutes and I've been procrastinating for days weeks about it.

And do please share your thoughts on Minimalist Parenting when you've read it. I'm on a self-imposed book-buying ban like Evertonmint but I may make an exception if you think it's worth a punt!

I echo so many of everyone's thoughts about 'emotional' buying to fill some other need in our life. My particular vice was/is books. I've removed myself from the amazon mail list as I've so many unread books and it was getting too easy to click and spend...

arti congrats on the weight loss! I really need to sort out some healthier eating habits. Full of cold at the moment though so it will have to wait till I'm feeling more human again!

fuzzpig · 21/02/2014 15:39

Thanks teacake :)

I'm feeling a bit less panicky now and am actually looking forward to contributing more. I know I'll be more tired but hopefully if I'm sensible I will not suffer any full blown relapses!

I'm really excited about getting back on with the decluttering as well, and I'll make sure I update when I've read the minimalist parenting book :)

Well done on your weight loss arti!

pixiestix · 21/02/2014 15:55

Congrats to Mr Fuzzpig on his job and to Arti on the weightloss!

Can I ask some advice? Although I think I am a hopeless case. I have a box of general accessories which I packed up last March Blush it's full of stuff like scarves, gloves, earrings which I never ever wear. They are all completely gorgeous and have a lot of sentimental attachment - given to me at a time when I did wear them, by people who have mostly now died. I packed them away to do "the six month rule" on them and its now been a year, in which they have been complete untouched. But having just looked through the box I can't find anything to send down the chazzer [blish] I know they will away in the box unworn - why WHY can't I break my attachment to them? Any words of wisdom gratefully received Sad

pixiestix · 21/02/2014 15:56

Blish??! That post went slightly haywire towards the end!

educatingarti · 21/02/2014 15:57

Can you be a bit creative pixie and turn them into things you will use? Eg sew scarves together to make a cushion cover, use earrings as Christmas tree decs - that way you are actually using and enjoying them, even if they aren't the sort of thing you'd wear now!


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fuzzpig · 21/02/2014 16:01

Thanks pixie :)

I guess it depends on the reason you didn't wear them. Was it simply a case of out of sight out of mind (that could be a new Minimalist acronym - OOSOOM! :o) or is it that you don't like how they look? If the former then get them back in circulation - maybe if you make yourself wear it then you'll want to wear it more. If the latter I would try and get rid I think.

Could they be repurposed in some way? DCs' dressing up box?

clearsommespace · 21/02/2014 16:08

I don't really 'do' jewellery. I have a couple of bits of jewellery I would never wear but am keeping for sentimental reasons too. They take up less space then a balled up pair of socks.

Perhaps you could make a display frame for the earrings if you never wear them but want to appreciate them.

evertonmint · 21/02/2014 16:41

I have a scarf of my nana's, who died 24 years ago. It's one of only 2 things I own of hers. I don't wear it as it doesn't suit me, but it's beautiful and I love looking at it and feeling it (very soft chiffon silk). For years it was just in a drawer because I didn't wear it, so I never looked at it, but now I have it on the hooks with my other scarves - it means I look at it and think of her lots. If you're going to keep a memento of somebody, I say embrace it rather than put it away and don't feel unminimalist because you do so. Get rid of all the non-sentimental stuff first!

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