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Another toilet thread...

3 replies

Mendi · 23/08/2013 10:35

I've moved into a rented property recently. The toilets have yucky stains beneath the waterline that don't shift just with brushing and bleach. What can I do to clean them up?

OP posts:
MoaningMingeWhingesAgain · 23/08/2013 12:31

Grin Yay, I win the internet today

Mendi · 23/08/2013 12:30

Thanks. Just tried the Harpic 100% limescale remover and most of the stains have gone.

I am a bit Shock because at the inventory check, the lady pointed out the stains and said it's just like that, can't get them out even though the house has been "professionally cleaned". The rest of the house is very clean so I'm quite surprised that a professional cleaning company/person wouldn't get stains off a toilet.

OP posts:
MoaningMingeWhingesAgain · 23/08/2013 10:40

Try a limescale remover - the limescale is what is stained I bet.

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