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Help with sentimental clutter!

11 replies

Jemster · 01/04/2013 11:51

I am slowly working my way through my house decluttering. Today I am tackling my bedroom. I have two large under bed storage boxes with lids. I want to use them to store out of season clothes but one is full of my wedding cards, wedding guest book, photos and new baby cards for two babies!. I would find it hard to chuck these out but they are gathering dust and I need the storage.
Any suggestions please? Should I just box them up and put in loft?

OP posts:
attheendoftheday · 05/04/2013 16:49

Definitely put it in the loft! In a watertight box, though.

Bessie123 · 02/04/2013 22:27

jemster that is the sort of thing I keep, too. But I recently realised there is no point in keeping, eg 10th birthday cards. I have kept a couple of cards from my parents and some letters from my grandparents, and a valentine's card my grandpa,who has since died, sent me when I was a child. But I threw away bags of letters and cards and now they are gone i feel ok with it. Are you really going to want to look at all your wedding cards again? Or all the baby cards? If you are then keep them by all means, but if not,why not just keep a couple from people who are really special to you and ditch the rest?

specialsubject · 02/04/2013 14:39

if it is going in the loft, put it in one of those plastic crates with a firmly fitting lid. Dust is a given, and mice/wasps are always a possible.

then when you next move, you can throw it all away. :-)

JaxTellerIsMyFriend · 02/04/2013 08:51

I have lots of sentimental stuff and DH has scanned/photographed a lot of it, especially the DC things, and put them on a hard drive. The rest are in boxes in the loft.

EnlightenedOwl · 01/04/2013 14:39

I have put all this sort of stuff in the loft but been really ruthless and kept it to just two boxes. Taking pics and scanning is a brilliant idea too.

Jemster · 01/04/2013 12:11

I haven't looked at them for years!! I think I may have to move to loft as not sure I could throw away!

OP posts:
OldBagWantsNewBag · 01/04/2013 12:05

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ImTooHecsyForYourParty · 01/04/2013 11:54

Bloody good idea, Deep. scan it all in, stick it on a cloud backup and bin the stuff itself.

greenhill · 01/04/2013 11:53

Can you possibly take photos of all the cards and messages, then put them onto a dongle? Or do you need to physically touch the items?

If you put them in the loft how likely are you to look at them again until you move house?

ImTooHecsyForYourParty · 01/04/2013 11:53

If you really can't bring yourself to bin them (like I did Grin ) then yes, bag them up and put them in the loft.

How often do you get them out and look at them? When was the last time you did?

DeepRedBetty · 01/04/2013 11:53

I would find it very hard to chuck this stuff too, and would post up to the loft.

Could you store some of it digitally instead, if desperate for space?

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