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Smelly teddy bear!

30 replies

Aranea · 13/06/2012 12:15

Dd1 has a much-loved teddy who sleeps in her bed. After many years of sweaty nIghts he is very smelly. He is surface-wash only, and I have tried to do this a couple of times but it hasn't really helped. Does anyone have any suggestions?

OP posts:
homeaway · 01/07/2015 18:28

No idea if this would work ,but if you have a car can you wash him and put him in the car to dry in this hot weather ? It might be madnessShock]. Otherwise do you have one of those peg things for smalls , ( no idea what they are called) could you peg him up near an open window ?

Roofis82 · 01/07/2015 11:35

I live in a flat and don't have a washing line or a tumble dryer. I've washed my little girls favourite teddy twice and he stinks because he's not drying quick enough I don't think. He has beans in his bum too so might be that? Any advice? She really misses him.

mummmsy · 15/06/2012 23:10

what about febreeze and a peg-out on the line? Grin

mummmsy · 15/06/2012 23:09

it's not ok Aranea it'll never be ok again!!! ooookaaay?!

Aranea · 15/06/2012 22:28

It's OK mummmsy... Apparently there is a residual whiff of his old smell so it's all okHmm. Also dd is so loyal to her bear that she has announced that if he smells of the washing machine, she likes that smell after all because it is now her beloved bear's smell.

OP posts:
mummmsy · 15/06/2012 21:34

omg i LOVED my smelly bear !!! i can't believe you washed it Sad my parents did this and TOOK A PHOTO OF IT IN THE WASHING MACHINE!!!

peeriebear · 15/06/2012 18:20

If it's just that long pile fake fur, it'll be fine, just don't hot tumble or the tuft will go all shrivelled and shite. (I speak from the experience of accidentally hot tumbling a lovely plush long pile Dulux dog which was utterly ruined!)

MousyMouse · 15/06/2012 18:18

I would put it in a pillowcase and on the handwash or wool cycle without spin.
washed my leather mittens with faux fur tuft like that and they came out fine.

RockChick1984 · 15/06/2012 18:11

Please can I hijack this thread? Ds has a stuffed toy duck that has short fur and a "tuft" of hair on the top. I was going to put him in the wash (same smelly problem) but someone told me that if I do, the tuft will fall out - anyone know if this is true? Ds strokes the tuft of hair to fall asleep, I'd be devastated if I ruined his ducky!!!

WheresMyCow · 14/06/2012 11:47

Hope that Bear enjoys sitting in the garden and gets a lovely cuddle once he's all dry

On a different note, must apologise for my spelling mistake in an earlier post...obviously I meant sight and not site Blush that's what you get for being on MN when you should be working!!

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 14/06/2012 10:34

He will get that cuddled and loved smell back pretty quickly, I think. And it will be better without undertones of sweatiness/mank. Frankensheep says well done to Bear for being so brave in the washing machine.

Aranea · 14/06/2012 09:47

Thanks all, Bear has been washed and is sitting in the garden to dry. Dd was very upset as she likes his smell Hmm and hates the smell of freshly washed clothes. So now I need to figure out how to give him a more comfortable smell!

OP posts:
Aranea · 13/06/2012 20:34

Many thanks everybody - and especially to Frankensheep for the reassurance! Teddy is going in the machine tomorrow. I can't bear the smell any longer and he is making dd's bed stink. You'd better all be right though... If anything happens to him there will be hell to pay.

OP posts:
SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 13/06/2012 15:16

I believe that there is a special hell reserved for people who make irritatingly noisy toys for children.

WheresMyCow · 13/06/2012 15:08

We tell DS that Barney has gone to sleep when it's bedtime and switch the bugger off Don't think he'd believe he was asleep all the time.

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 13/06/2012 14:22

You could try claiming that Barney has laryngitis?

WheresMyCow · 13/06/2012 13:53

SDTG Grin ...if only I could stop Barney from singing, not sure that the ensuing tantrum would be worth it though!!

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 13/06/2012 13:36

WheresMyCow - I confess that I would definitely wash the ones with noises in - I like a quiet life (and am a bad and cruel mother).

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 13/06/2012 13:35

I put one of ddog1's cuddlies through the wash yesterday - he is a huge stuffed sheep, and every so often, I have to repair the splits in his fur, and re-stuff him - and I once had to rebuild his face completely (and I confess, my plastic surgery skills are not that brilliant, hence him being renamed FrankenSheep).

Yesterday involved a certain amount of reconstructive surgery, and a nice, long spin in the washing machine and tumble dryer for FrankenSheep - to get rid of all the dog slobber. He came out snowy-white, fluffy and smelling lovely - and he says it wasn't a traumatic experience at all - more like being on those spinning teacups at the fair - and that the OP's dd's bear shouldn't worry about it at all.

WheresMyCow · 13/06/2012 13:24

DS has a lot of teddies and such in his cot. When he got conjunctivitis they all went in the wash and then were all pegged out on the was quite a site!!

The only things that don't get washed are those which have noisy stuff inside.

Wingdingdong · 13/06/2012 13:19

washing machine here too on handwash cycle (or wool if no handwash) - in a pillow case first. No idea why (prevent abrasion?!) but my mother told me to, and Mothers Are Always Right.

queenebay · 13/06/2012 13:15

I bung them in the machine with some towels, line dry them and then fluff them up in tumble dryer


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SardineQueen · 13/06/2012 13:09

I have discovered that doing them on a gentle woollen type wash in the machine is just fine.

AllPastYears · 13/06/2012 13:08

Washing machine. DD's favourite kitten was grey, and when she was sick on it it just had to go in the washing machine. Came out pink - I'd completely forgotten it had originally been pink, must have been filthy!

SkinnyVanillaLatte · 13/06/2012 13:00

I wash 'em all (surface wash ones also).

Unless there's some finish or detail you can see is blatantly unwashable,and can't be removed,it's unlikely anything would happen.

When the school bear/dog/whatever comes home it usually has a spin in the machine too! Wink

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