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Smelly armpits on clothes

59 replies

countessbabycham · 07/01/2012 18:36

I've bought a couple of lovely tops from charity shops but I've noticed when I had washed and was ironing them,that a sweat smell was coming up from the armpits.
I know many would say "Euk" and bin them,but I really like them and they'll be fine minus the pong.Grin
Any tips to deodorize them?

OP posts:
carrotsandcelery · 24/01/2012 20:54

Mole I am so glad it is not just me then Grin

Molehillmountain · 24/01/2012 22:29

Well-have to admit defeat and go to bed before the top out of the washing machine. But something to leap out of bed for tomorrow Grin

Molehillmountain · 29/01/2012 23:28

Okay, bit sad I know, but had to come back to update! Smelly armpits gone! Hooray! Will be dousing a couple of other tops with vinegar very soon! Thanks Smile

countessbabycham · 30/01/2012 09:04

It really works Mole doesn't it!!!!!!!

Thanks to the people who suggested it Thanks

OP posts:
BerylStreep · 02/02/2012 22:12

I get this too - strangely, only on my work clothes - I blame the stress and boiling hot offices.

Anyhow, I have been using vinegar on my black dresses for ages now, thanks to another MN thread, and it definitely doesn't bleach them. It works a bit for me, but by the end of a shortish day in work, they still start to whiff a bit.

Will perhaps try bicarb or napisan for a bit, and rotate them. Does napisan bleach dark fabric?

PurtyDarnFine · 03/02/2012 09:41

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BerylStreep · 07/02/2012 23:04

I bought some of the Halo wash that was recommended. I soaked clothes in it before washing, and I have to report that both today and yesterday my work clothes were completely fragrant ... all day.

Thumbs up for Halo Sports Wash. Great recommendation!

BirdFromDaNorf · 10/03/2013 22:47

God I love Mumsnet. I am literally going to go to my bin and the vest and top out that I love SO MUCH and have reluctantly binned tonight as I've washed them (fab cond, and non bio in our house) and they stayed smelly.


HandLaunderer · 07/05/2014 23:18

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