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Proper Le Creuset or Sainsburys own?

55 replies

bluecheesefiend · 31/10/2011 21:55


I need some decent cooking pots & have always quite fancied the Le Creuset stuff, especially since all the chefs on TV seem to find them so indispensable, but they are obviously on the pricey side.

I saw today that Sainsbury do their own. They're essentially the same shape, style & colour but for £40 rather than the nearly £200 that the Le Creuset equivalent would cost

So my question is, are Le Creuset worth it? Is this like a roasting tin scenario where you buy one from Sainsburys for £12 & within 3 Sunday roasts the black non stick stuff is dissolving into your gravy. Whereas the heavy duty thing that cost a fortune would have been with you for generations.

Can you really go as wrong with cast iron?

Your learned opinions would be most welcome Grin

OP posts:
Lesley1980 · 20/02/2017 20:37

I actually think Le Creuset is pretty similar to Sainsbury. They are about the same thickness & weight & both clean well. My only issue is the top nob of Le Creuset always come loose.

Check out house of Fraser linear cast iron stuff. Only issue is it's really heavy so for bigger casserole type dishes it can be hard to lift it out of the oven when full.

Secretsweets · 18/02/2017 18:13

Bringing up an old thread I know - but I have the sainsburys shallow casserole dish in black, does anyone know of it can go on a glass hob ? Or is it oven only. Saw unthread about a LC one breaking on a hob so just wondered.

AnnaFiveTowns · 31/05/2016 05:55

I've just given mine Sainsburys one away. It was fine but far too heavy. I much prefer my slow cooker which has a removable pan to brown in and then I put it straight into the slow cooker itself. So much easier and lighter to use although I appreciate it's not as nice to look at. But seriously, try lifting a big cast iron pan full of stew - it's very, very heavy. I just found it a complete pain and do I didn't use it.

SanityAssassin · 30/05/2016 21:27

My Le Crusset went in the bin years ago.
I have Sainsburys Casserole ones though (in cream thankfully not the horrid orange I had before) They are brilliant and I could probably replace them three times over for the price of a Le Crusset - not that I'd need too as they still look like new.

There is a Le Cruset outlet in Portsmouth too - if you really want it.

Madcats · 30/05/2016 20:13

We bought a set of le Creuset saucepans around 1990 (the red ones with wooden handles) and have bought roasting dishes and frying pans since (so still at least 15+ years old). Thinking about it, we have A LOT of Le Creuset stuff.

We didn't have an Aldi or Lidl nearby until very recently, but we also snapped up a 30cm casserole dish (fab for cooking risottos). It seems very similar in terms of quality. I don't use it as often, but I am 2 years on and it seems no different.

The glaze on the china stuff cracks after a couple of years, but still seems to work.

Clarks Viilage also has (had?) an outlet. I am sur there is stuff on Ebay these days too

Gatekeeper · 30/05/2016 12:00

I've got the Aldi versions and have used the shallow oval shaped casserole pot hundreds of times and it still looks good. It goes on the hob ,in the oven AND on top of the wood burning stove.

Guiltypleasures001 · 30/05/2016 10:39

Hi op I have the sainsbo's red large casserole with lid it's huge heavy and I luffs it
I got it for £20 in the half price sale, might be worth keeping an eye on stocks in a couple of
Local stores.

Autumnchill · 30/05/2016 10:39

Doh! I've just realised my kettle is LC! I've had it 20+ years so obviously standing the test of time

HappydaysArehere · 30/05/2016 10:26

Ps to the above - it is still stained.

HappydaysArehere · 30/05/2016 10:25

Years ago I gave my large orange lc to my daughter as the inside had stained a brown colour. She was not bothered and twenty five years later she is still using it! Do they still stain?

sianihedgehog · 30/05/2016 09:17

I have the Sainsbury's big casserole and it's BRILL. they go on sale regularly, too, so you can get them really cheaply - I paid about £15 because they were clearing out all the orange stuff to make room for cream.

DizzyDino · 30/05/2016 09:09

Sorry if this is a daft question but what is so good about cooking with cast iron pots?
Does food cook tastier in it?!

They are ridiculously heavy and ive always wondered what the attraction was!

Xmasbaby11 · 29/05/2016 18:31

I got two Le creuset casseroles as wedding presents. I love using them. They are great quality. They also look wonderful on the kitchen shelves and on the table to serve from. I know the Sainsbury's ones you mean and I don't have them but they look really good. I think either would be a good choice tbh but I'd go for Le creuset if you can afford it because they are classic and I certainly feel I'll still enjoy them on years to come.

I cook a lot so I like having nice looking, quality equipment if I can afford it.

Frazzled2207 · 29/05/2016 18:22

We have a le creuset one and a sainsbury's one (different sizes). No difference at all but we have not used either that much.

GummyGoddess · 29/05/2016 18:15

Le Creuset are an investment for your lifetime (or your children's). They clean very well and are indestructible.

jkklpu Please tell my husband this, he managed to literally knock the spout off of the largest saucepan Angry I have no idea how he did it and he claims that he cannot remember. The pan still functions but has nowhere to pour from.

Conceptionzilla · 28/05/2016 08:04

Zombie alert

But I do love my sainsbo's fake le crusset stuff.

Retreats to hypocrite corner

Autumnchill · 28/05/2016 07:58

I've got the Sainsburys shallow dish and the deep dish one and they are brilliant. Would recommend Smile

Stopyourhavering · 28/05/2016 07:52

Got some Le Creuset when married 30 yrs ago, still going strong and I use them nearly every day!!.... Great investment

JenniferAnistonsHair · 28/05/2016 07:51

I really rate Sainsburys kitchenware. I haven't tried their version of LC, but all other stuff is great quality. Highly recommend their cake tins & muffin tins...& their non stick pans are amazing. They often have offers on, so I would wait til their version of LC pans are on half price, then try one OP.

WineOrSleep · 28/05/2016 07:47

There is a fab outlet store at Bicester Village op

loobylou10 · 28/05/2016 07:44

I have a sainsburys one and it's amazing. No different to the le cruset I've tried in the past. I'd try it out before you shell out on the real thing. They often have 20% off too.

Cookingongas · 28/05/2016 07:43

I have both and think the sainsburys is brilliant. The best copy by far. . I've had the cream sainsburys 40cm, and a 25cm casserole for four years- not a mark or blemish, they clean easily ( I don't have a dishwasher) cook well, and come with a 10year guarantee.
I use them more than my le crueset griddle and saucepan.


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wtffgs · 28/05/2016 07:39

I bought a Sainsbury's casserole dish to replace a cracked Le Creuset one. It's absolutely fine. I can't tell the difference. I think there's a lot of snob value attached to the LC brand Grin

Mullymom · 28/05/2016 07:32

I have a Le Creuset large casserole that I use on the electric hob and food has burned on to the enamel. That said, it is still in use. I also bought one of the Sainsbury enamel casseroles and to date that has not burnt, I would buy either - whilst I am also a believer in you pay for what you get, in this instance you would be paying for the name in my opinion.

Tennisnan · 02/02/2016 21:13

No Le Creuset in my TK Maxx tonight but there was a Kuhn Rikon cast iron shallow casserole pan exactly shape and size I wanted for £39.99. Now before I take the stickers off and use it, is this make any good?

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