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How do you all keep on top of washing!??

30 replies

lisad123 · 29/09/2011 16:58

My house is fairly ok, but the thing that drives me crazy is washing??!
I have piles all over the place! Im the only one that does the washing, will admit I don't do ironing!!
How does everyone else deal with it?
Even if I fold an put into piles they get messed up before I can get upsatirs to put away!!

OP posts:
MrsRobertDuvall · 29/09/2011 20:30

I am ruthlessly organised when it comes to washing/ironing/putting away.
I generally do 3 loads a day.
I have a big rotary dryer outside and a huge clothes horse in the utility room( which is very warm).
In the utility room I have 3 large clothes baskets. One for ironing, one for underwear/non iron stuff( which I put away every 2 days) and one for dh's ironing. He does his own Smile
I iron twice a week, usually Sunday and Wednesday, for about an hour. Then put away.

threeinmybed · 29/09/2011 20:30

Ugh I always seem to be washing. 1 or 2 loads a day, that's 2 adults and 1 baby. I try to use my heated clothes airer from Lakeland which costs 3p an hour to run; far cheaper than a dryer! We are constantly ironing too; but it doesn't bother me hugely. Just one of those things.

booyhoo · 29/09/2011 21:05

threeinabed how much did you pay for your heated airer, how big is it/how much does it hold and how long des it take to dry the clothes?

maybunny · 29/09/2011 21:39

I tend to do 1 load a day - bedlinen once a week, towels twice, and then darks, lights and whites on the others. I either put washer on delay to go overnight so it's ready first thing, or put wash on as soon as I get up.
Just before starting dinner I get washing in off the line (weather permitting obv) and immediately iron and put in airing cupboard. I hate ironing and only iron what I have to and if I don't do it straight away I will never do it! Then every other morning the airing cupboard is emptied - it's hard work sometimes to keep on top of it all so I know where you are coming from!

threeinmybed · 01/10/2011 12:56

booyhoo I got it from Lakeland for £80; which is a lot but it is brillo. It folds away flat when not in use and you can dry jeans overnight (including waistband) it will take a full load of washing; I do knickers on the bottom shelf, tops on the middle and trousers on the top. Only downside is, because the slats are quite close together, it can take a while to hang out a load. But probably no more time than it'd take to peg a load out so I'm being picky. It was a fantastic investment, I use it nearly every day Blush

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