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shit duvet is broken

5 replies

mousymouse · 19/09/2011 20:04

had to wash it and one corner got into the seal of the mashine.
and I am shit at sewing. will I be able to do that with a flimsy needle?

OP posts:
mousymouse · 21/09/2011 09:14

thanks, will give it a go. have already cut up one of dh's shirts to fill the hole. maybe have to fold it double, as the duvet cover fabric is very thick.

OP posts:
BatmanLovesRobin · 21/09/2011 07:48

You might want one of those curved needles for sewing a duvet.

dexter73 · 19/09/2011 21:03

Sew a piece of fabric over the hole to stop the filling coming out. John Lewis sells loads of sewing stuff.

mousymouse · 19/09/2011 20:42

yes, but don't think that would work. a 2£ coin piece of fabric is missing and a little of the filling (synthetic) is hanging out.
does john lewis sell needles?

OP posts:
JarethTheGoblinKing · 19/09/2011 20:04

Have you got a stapler? :)

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