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Home ed

moving back to UK and wanting to home-ed

2 replies

kitbit · 13/11/2008 09:36

Morning everyone,
We may be moving back to the UK from Spain next year. ds is 4 and has been in school for a year already (they start at 3) and already completed much of the Jolly Phonics stuff and is writing and starting to read. I gather that this is at odds with british schools as they begin at 4/5?
So...if I move back and I want to Home Ed ds, do I have to register with someone to tell them that's what we're doing? Is it different to the deregistration process, does anyone know? Obviously ds is not in the system at the moment as he has never lived in the UK.

Obviously I also have the usual questions such as "where do we start" but I'm sure these have all been answered lots of times on previous threads so will go a-reading before I ask!

OP posts:
kitbit · 13/11/2008 11:28

Thanks MIS! I'm looking forward to reading all about it! Daunted, but excited. Might not even be moving back, but if we do I want to explore all the options. Obviously a decision to HE would also give us a wider set of options for relocating as we wouldn't be tied to schools, so although I then wouldn't be working we could live somewhere cheaper or more remote to offset lack of my wage. Maybe. I dunno yet. It's all so complicated! But thanks for the info!

OP posts:
AMumInScotland · 13/11/2008 10:02

Hi kitbit. No, you don't have to register with anyone - so long as your child is not registered at a UK state school, you don't have to do anything "legal" to HE.

Have fun reading all the threads - there's loads

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