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ds3 gone to school for the first time and hes 12!!

3 replies

nickschick · 26/10/2012 09:25

well my last thread on here was rather depressing i was feeling v sad about the whole thing.

Now its happened.

Ds3 had a half morning and a half afternoon at the secondary where his 2 brothers attended (after me winning the appeal when he was refused) far so good -hes loving it!!

He starts properly after half term and is very eager, I went to the year 7 mass on his afternoon day,he didnt know i was there until he saw me take communion and he looked so happy and settled after such a short time I know this is 'right' for him,but im still a bit Sad .....anyway fingers crossed he carries on enjoying it.

OP posts:
ThreadWatcher · 28/10/2012 21:55

Thats great nickschick :)
I hope he continues to be happy there.

Does that mean we can stop kicking you now? :o

Saracen · 26/10/2012 22:40

Aw, that's great! Hope it continues well for him.

exoticfruits · 26/10/2012 19:19

Glad it has all worked out-hope it carries on well but it sounds as if it will.

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