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Help me choose a pink couch

15 replies

tomboytown · 08/09/2019 16:06

Looking for something a bit traditional

I need something that has support for my back, so I can sit up straight, so impossible to slouch on.

Help me choose a pink couch
Help me choose a pink couch
OP posts:
Span1elsRock · 20/09/2019 10:21

I work in the furniture trade OP.

You need a higher backed sofa than a Chesterfield for back/neck support. Try a local upholsterer and get one made for you. We make bespoke and a lot of people add extra height to the back, less of a rake so sofa is more upright (adding height to back legs and not the front ones) and using lumbar support cushions on the back (they look like they are split into 2 horizontally). Getting the size from front to back (depth) is really important too for back support.

You'd get far better value for money and you can choose your fabric. Linwood has a fab range of velvet called Tango that is stain repellent; Wemyss and Romo are also very good for pinks.

tomboytown · 20/09/2019 10:09

I sat on the chesterfield yesterday.
It's a bit too deep for my back, so a bit disappointing

OP posts:
MrsMorse · 14/09/2019 20:39

Should add I have a really bad back that needs support so we went for a sofa with an upright back

MrsMorse · 14/09/2019 20:38

We’ve gone for orchid clever velvet from
They had a 20% off sale a emcee weeks or so ago and we are now eagerly awaiting it to arrive! Can’t work out how to attach the photo that gave us courage to go for it

Help me choose a pink couch
Nogodsnomasters · 12/09/2019 21:25

Oh op how wonderful! Make it as pink as you like then 😍

Nogodsnomasters · 12/09/2019 21:24

familyofaliens I just want to say I manage a home decor store and navy is very much making a comeback this autumn. And mustard (or more specifically ochre really) is still very popular in my shop, especially for bedrooms, not so much downstairs rooms anymore.

tomboytown · 12/09/2019 07:31

It's for a room that's just going to be mine Nogod!

OP posts:
tomboytown · 12/09/2019 07:30

I didn't realise it was a fashion
I want pink to go with the very traditional William Morris wallpaper I've inherited

OP posts:
FamilyOfAliens · 11/09/2019 22:22

Wouldn’t you worry it would look a bit dated once the fashion for pink has passed? Look how dated navy and mustard seems now.

Nogodsnomasters · 11/09/2019 22:19

I think the first picture is the nicest of the two. I'd love a pink sofa, but my husband would have heart failure.

Lyingonthesofainthedark · 11/09/2019 08:19

Surest a have similar to the Loaf one, but i find they are best for taller people. Might suit you.

Mumsnatterer · 10/09/2019 13:14

I love that you're going bold in your interiors! I eyed this pink sofa the other week and am obsessed

tomboytown · 08/09/2019 23:50

Oh I love those Loaf sofas, but they’re too low on the ground.
Meant to put that requirement too, has to be high off the ground. So my legs and back can be at right angles iyswim?

OP posts:
WhenPushComesToShove · 08/09/2019 22:20

Love the pink chesterfield

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