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Would you use a Paint roller or brushes to repaint a flat ?

29 replies

Exboarder · 07/10/2018 21:05

Please can anyone give me their experiences as I don’t like painting and our flat looks in bad need of a fresh coat of paint!
I wondered about this funny roller thing from Argos that holds paint inside it but its reviews weren’t that amazing .

OP posts:
Mum2jenny · 10/10/2018 20:25

Me too Mamia

Mamia15 · 10/10/2018 20:06

I use cling film to wrap brushes and rollers to prevent these from drying out before the next day.

dementedpixie · 09/10/2018 21:41

If i was painting the same colour the next day then I put the brushes and roller into freezer bags and fastened then tightly so they didn't dry out. Saves washing each day and having to wait for them to dry too. I did wash the paint tray/ paint pot each day. I have a dulux angled brush for cutting in which works great

MissCherryCakeyBun · 09/10/2018 21:21

It also depends on how shaky your hand is for cutting in. Tape can save a lot of work round window frames light switches sockets etc.
Referbing a house and have just painted the 6th room 3 more and the porch to go. My tips for what it's worth?
Empty the room of as much as you can rub down all woodwork and use a decent primer
Wash everything including walls with sugar soap
Get dust sheets down and secured
Good quality paintbrushes
If you want light over dark I suggest lining paper on the walls before painting
Caulk any gaps and small cracks between walls and skirting doors etc
Read the instructions on the tin...if it says 6 hours between coats? Do a minimum of 6 hours between coats

Always clean your brushes and rollers and trays as soon as you have finished painting each day. The amount of paint you loose is minimal the quality of the finish by using clean equipment? Grin

dementedpixie · 09/10/2018 08:12

I painted my teeny downstairs cloakroom with roller and brush and never got paint everywhere. Depends on the roller and how you use it

Mum2jenny · 09/10/2018 07:46

Depends on the roller Roo

HeronLanyon · 09/10/2018 06:51


RooCalledToby · 09/10/2018 00:31

If you use a roller you need to cover everything - they splatter off the back. You get specks of paint all over yourself and everything else.

PickAChew · 09/10/2018 00:27

I have a Stanley roller that's nice to hold.

PickAChew · 09/10/2018 00:26

It would suit you, as a professional decorator, to be asked back every 2 or 3 years to touch up. As a competent home decorator, that'll do isn't good enough for me.

HeronLanyon · 07/10/2018 22:11

Roller all the way plays brushes for cutting in and around skirting boards/switches etc. Get a roller with as comfy a handle
As you can. Once rolled with cheapo hard plastic one and by end of day one my hand was blistered and rubbed raw. And/or wear gloves from the start. Plus be prepared for unavoidable specks all over you ! Have fun !

Mum2jenny · 07/10/2018 22:01

When I've used tape, I find it can be ok but when it's not, it really is bad!

MrsTerryPratchett · 07/10/2018 21:56

Cut in with a good quality brush, no tape. Roller the large areas.

Cutting in takes practice but I find it better than tape.

Jitters22 · 07/10/2018 21:37

Disagree all you like PickAChew but for speed, ease of painting and practicality, water based paint beats oil based every time for domestic work in the average home and if prep work is done properly finish and durability are as near enough as good for it not to matter.

If you are a professional decorator (and I was one for 17 years) and are working on a high spec or high traffic environment, then go with oil based.

But for the average home with regular redecorate / refresh, water based is perfectly adequate.

Mum2jenny · 07/10/2018 21:33

Tape if applied incorrectly, can go horribly wrong. I prefer to avoid it if at all possible.

If you are doing a complete revamp of a room including new skirting boards it worth considering applying them to the walls with screws. Easy to remove and makes painting the walls easy, and you can paint the skirting boards easily by resting them on cans ( baked bean ones or equivalent) then rescrewing them back in place.

Knittedfairies · 07/10/2018 21:32

Roller for walls, small brush for cutting in. I bought one of these a few years ago; makes painting walls and ceilings (with an extension pole a.k.a. broom handle) a doddle!

Kwan42 · 07/10/2018 21:26

Paint rollers and standard brushes for the edges. Also prepped with tape around borders and over electrical sockets.

If you get paint anywhere as inevitably we did... some white spirit or nail varnish remover works a treat!

PickAChew · 07/10/2018 21:26

Disagree about oil based gloss. I've been using Leyland High gloss on my skirtings and it looks so much nicer than the room I did with water based gloss, is far more mark resistant and much more hard wearing. The water based stuff gets grotty really quickly and gets sticky where it's touched a lot.

dementedpixie · 07/10/2018 21:23

I never use tape. I use rollers and brushes. I got an angled brush which is great for cutting in too

Exboarder · 07/10/2018 21:22

I’ve ndver heard of frog tape so glad I asked. Sadly our Homebase is closing so might try there if I’m in time

OP posts:
PickAChew · 07/10/2018 21:22

Just a normal fat roller. Much better coverage and finish. Use an angled fitch brush like this one for cutting in.

Would you use a Paint roller or brushes to repaint a flat ?
Jitters22 · 07/10/2018 21:21

Plain old fashioned roller with good quality brushes to cut in. Just finished painting a complete bungalow - two large bedrooms kichen, bathroom, hallway and a massive lounge - all done in a week. He did the rollering and I did all the cutting in.

Get a small long handled roller for down the back of radiators and use water based satinwood or gloss for skirtings and woodwork - avoid the oil based stuff that needs brushes cleaning in white spirit - it’s like painting with treacle and completely unnecessary with today’s modern paints.


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PlateOfBiscuits · 07/10/2018 21:19

Roller definitely.

Also, don’t skip the prep work: cover your surfaces properly and tape all the edges (use frog tape rather than masking tape). It’s worth it.

And keep a damp cloth with you to use as you go, just in case.

Exboarder · 07/10/2018 21:16

This is so helpful, thank you all. Good to hear all your thoughts!

OP posts:
Mum2jenny · 07/10/2018 21:15

I loathe paint pads, much prefer the results from a combo of brushes for the edges and big fat rollers. You can get 12 inch large diameter rollers through trade outlets and they make painting large surfaces a dream. Very effective at covering large surfaces quickly.

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