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Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?

38 replies

Polkadot1974 · 14/01/2018 19:54

We have quite a small bathroom but could “just” fit a cubicle in. Had a decent plan from the bath store but outrageous fitting cost. Well maybe not outrageous but I can’t afford 7.8k!!
Anyway I digress - if I can get a separate shower, should I? Will I regret sticking with current shower over bath ?
Anyone done a bathroom lately and willing to share their dos and don’ts?
Thank you!

OP posts:
BackforGood · 29/01/2018 23:43

Depends on who is going to be using your bathroom, and if that is for a long time, or if you are likely to be moving soon enough to think of "sell on appeal".

Pros of having a sep shower :
FAntastic when your dc are more than babies but pre puberty, and you can get them clean all at once - having a sep shower cubicle and bath was wonderful when mine were that age
If you have anyone likely to be using the bathroom with any sort of mobility issues - maybe elderly or maybe an injury or illness or condition - then climbing over the side of the bath to have a shower can be really difficult.

Pros of not - only one I can see is that your bathroom looks more spacious on a show round

I'd go for having both shower and bath if you can fit them in.

Littlemissindifferent · 29/01/2018 23:35

Love it concerned where did you get the tiles?

Alittleconcerned1980 · 27/01/2018 20:21


Here it is a day later.

I’m so happy with it!

Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Alittleconcerned1980 · 27/01/2018 20:19


Here it is a day later.

I’m so happy with it!

Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
MiaowTheCat · 27/01/2018 19:58

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PaperdollCartoon · 27/01/2018 19:54

I am about to move house and the main thing I will miss about this house is the separate shower cubicle. I love baths and showers, it’s a nice big cubicle and it does make a difference. If I could have it I would, and I think you have the space.

Alittleconcerned1980 · 27/01/2018 19:39

It’s not finished yet I hasten to add!

Alittleconcerned1980 · 27/01/2018 19:37

I’m in process of doing my ensuite.

Main bathroom will have stand alone shower quite honestly, I would be happy with this as my main.

Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Polkadot1974 · 18/01/2018 22:37

We all love a bath!

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RandomMess · 18/01/2018 22:24

Who uses your bath and how often??

Is it worth getting a short bath and moving everything around to fit in cubicle?

GinnyBaker · 18/01/2018 22:18

I am really happy I chose that enclosure. If I had to do it again, I'd go for a narrower sink unit- that one is 600mm as I was worried about having enough storage, but it just looks a tad too big, especially with the loo opposite not being as wide. I should have gone for a 400!

Polkadot1974 · 18/01/2018 19:44

I love that Ginny! Husband really wants shower over but as we can’t really do s bigger bath - most are as long as our bathroom and the space to either side of door is a bath width - I would think bath will look bigger without the shower shizzle over it. The shape of that enclosure looks fab

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MiaowTheCat · 18/01/2018 18:54

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GinnyBaker · 18/01/2018 15:22

Your layout sketches look very like our guest bathroom. We couldn't decide between over bath shower or separate cubicle either.

In the end we went for separate. It is a small but we decided we wanted something that could be reasonably used by our aging parents in years to come when perhaps getting in/out of bath might get tricky.

Three things helped, we found. One was using a pentagonal shower enclosure so it bulged less into the room.

The second was was going for a 1900mm long bath which meant it filled the whole wall and looked fitted rather thsn a tight squeeze with an odd 20mm left over.

Finally we went for same tiles both wall and floor which somehow makes it look bigger.

The window and door hasn't been painted yet but its otherwise done. I'll try and attach a couple of pics

Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
sergeantmajor · 18/01/2018 15:02

At home our shower is over the bath. We chose a bath where one end is flat not sloped, to make it easier to stand.
I'm doing up another bathroom for a rental property and considering adding a shower cubicle into a big unused cupboard. My thinking is that it's only the additional cost of a shower tray (cheap), as I'd need to buy a shower screen anyway, so I'd just buy a door instead of a screen.
Does anyone think that people prefer a separate shower to an over-bath one in general?

user1484313858 · 18/01/2018 14:06

We've just gone for a the widest straight bath we could get (about 750mm) with a nice quality concealed thermo shower/8mm screen/rain shower head... I was sorely tempted to rip out the bath (no small children) and have a massive shower cubicle, but then lying in the bath on a Friday night in winter with a glass of wine is great too... demolition starting Monday, very excited!!

Full refurb including tiling/electrics/suite, but not including floor or decoration, approx £4k. Oh, we're also having a tiled bath panel which I thought might look nice!

ClaraAnnesley · 18/01/2018 13:59

Here are some pictures to give an ideas about bathroom renovation. When the layout is designed right, you can often have both bathtub and shower. To save some space you could do a little refurbishment and separate it with just a wall of glass, see in picture.

Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Polkadot1974 · 18/01/2018 13:55

That looks great thanks!

OP posts:
WalkingEverywhere · 18/01/2018 09:36


Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
WalkingEverywhere · 17/01/2018 23:46

Even if you can't get a wider bath you can still get one that looks more roomy. See photos to see what I mean.

I've got a bath shower screen that I love. I looked at a million or so before finding it. Slight exaggeration but it felt like I looked at that many. It folds in two so if you are having a bath it's out the way. It isn't framed so looks light and has less bits to clean. DETAILS HERE I though I paid about £350 a few months ago. Maybe it was on sale - I can't remember

Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Bathroom refurb-shower cubicle or not?
Polkadot1974 · 17/01/2018 22:46

Thanks for the pics by the way !

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Polkadot1974 · 17/01/2018 22:15

I’m thinking nice new bath. Taps in the middle and folding shower screen. Plus new naice storage would work. Thanks all. Now to choose storage! Send me your bathroom storage solutions !

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Polkadot1974 · 17/01/2018 21:07

Interesting. I can’t get wider bath unless I put it along the window wall as the room is only as wide as the bath on either side of the door. Maybe a nicer shower screen would be ok - I think it’s shower screen putting me off as I find they get in the way of the bath experience somehow

OP posts:
RavenLG · 17/01/2018 11:46

I'd avoid shower cubical just because I absolutely HATE cleaning them. the water streaks, the drying, the squeegee-ing.. I can't. I hate it! We've just bought a house with only a shower cubicle (no bath) and I'm desperate to get rid and get an over bath shower and curtain.

GaraMedouar · 17/01/2018 11:32

I have a P- shaped bath down the shower end and a glass screen - it gives a nice amount of room for the shower. Tiles are grey marble look - from Topps Tiles and were cheap but look nice and smart. Rest of decor is white. Looks nice and clean but not too stark.

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