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Are feature walls with wallpaper out of fashion?

2 replies

LilyFlower2222 · 06/06/2017 10:52

Will be moving into new home soon. Thinking of using wallpaper in most of the rooms to make them more stylish. Noticed on Pinterest most rooms have one wall with different colour. Is this the "new" trend?

OP posts:
CaptainCatFace · 06/06/2017 11:16

Depends how you do it. Living room with one wall done has gone out of fashion. But friend has some in her stairway which wasn't done in a fashion way and will always look nice. Basically, do it if you like it.

DeanKoontz · 06/06/2017 11:02

I think feature walls, whether paint or paper, are out of fashion now. But, it's your house - you do it how you like.

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