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Blackboard/ magnetic paint

4 replies

WendlaBergmann · 10/12/2016 20:42

I'm looking for some blackboard paint that's either magnetic itself or would layer up?

Almost all reviews I've read online are very mixed so I though a recommendation might be better.

It's to use on a wooden kitchen cupboard door

OP posts:
unlucky83 · 13/12/2016 23:08

Trinity that's really handy to know!
In labs we used to use permanent markers to label things - eg glass bottles. We used alcohol - ethanol - to get it off... I have isopropanol and that works quite well (not as well as ethanol -but then it is cheaper than buying vodka which is what I'd have to do at home...)
However DP panicked ...smeared it everywhere and then got the scrubber and washing up liquid -scratched the top off the paint and the black became embedded in the scratched paint...I got the worst off but I was taking the paint off/making it it grey with the isopropanol. It really was a hideous mess...and I was dreading having to try and paint it -just having the time and then letting it dry etc.
I saw the blackboard 'foil and thought what a good idea -then light bulb fridge door! and it actually looks good! (Just wish I could get the DCs to stop writing insults to each other on it now! -but at least it just wipes off.)

trinity0097 · 13/12/2016 21:35

For future reference to remove permanent marker from whiteboards us teachers just scribble over the permanent marker with a normal whiteboard marker, then wipe off. You sometimes have to go twice, but it works! Probably would work on a fridge too!

unlucky83 · 10/12/2016 20:52

Sorry - I don't know if this helps but DP was writing notes on the fridge in whiteboard marker....somehow he picked up a permanent marker and when he realised made a mess trying to clean it off (involved a green scratchy pad...) I was thinking about buying some appliance paint to paint over it when I saw some some blackboard 'foil' - basically sticky backed plastic- in Tiger. We now have that on the fridge door and use it as a notice board (with chalk) and we can use fridge magnets on it...
I guess you could attach a thin metal sheet to the door and paint/cover that...

NotStoppedAllDay · 10/12/2016 20:46

Use the magnetic primer

Rustoleum does one

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