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One curtain instead of two

3 replies

allegretto · 25/11/2016 15:08

In our living room we have two sets of French windows. We are looking at curtains for them and someone suggested that only one curtain would be more practical as there isn't much space and you can close one curtain more easily when you have the windows open. Has anyone does this? Does it look a bit strange?

OP posts:
greenfolder · 26/11/2016 09:48

We took down 2 separate poles and replaced it with one pole but 2 sets of curtains looks better

InTheDessert · 26/11/2016 09:46

Do you mean one massive curtain which covers the whole wall?? Or one pair, that once drawn meet in the middle of the wall rather than 2 pairs (4 curtains) that meet in the middle of each window???
I'd do the second, but not the first.

VivienneWestwoodsKnickers · 26/11/2016 09:39

I did this in my old house, looks normal, takes up less space and was much cheaper too!

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