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Seating in the sitting room - how many sofas / armchairs do you have?

28 replies

Monica101 · 05/06/2015 20:08

I'm thinking of two two seaters instead of one three seater and an armchair.

I haven't really got room for a two seater and a three seater as my bay window creates an awkward space.

What works for you? I'm not sure if I will regret the two smaller sofas.

OP posts:
EldonAve · 09/06/2015 22:16

3 seat sofa, 2 armchairs

dontcallmelen · 09/06/2015 22:15

Large 3/4 sofa in the square bay window & 2/3 sofa opposite tis lovely the bluebell I think from

MagpieCursedTea · 05/06/2015 21:44

One three seater sofa and a big round spinning chair that fits a couple of people.

TheFnozwhowasmirage · 05/06/2015 21:15

A two seater with 2 matching armchairs and a 3 seater. There are only 4 of us.

306235388 · 05/06/2015 21:13

One 3 seater and 2 arm chairs

CremeEggThief · 05/06/2015 21:10

Two 2 seaters here and it works very well.

wonkylegs · 05/06/2015 21:08

In the living room we have a large 3/4 seater, a 2 seater sofa bed, an arm chair and 2 upholstered stools.
In the family room we have a 2 seater sofa and an armchair.
In the conservatory we have 3 armchairs.
All three rooms are about the same size but are used differently and configured differently with fireplaces, doors, windows etc.

ouryve · 05/06/2015 20:56

We used to have two 2-seaters and it worked well. Now have a 5 seater corner sofa, plus an armchair. The sofa still isn't big enough for the two boys to be able to share it in a civilised manner Hmm

WhoKnowsWhereTheTimeGoes · 05/06/2015 20:53

We've got a small living room (about 12' square) with a fireplace in the wall opposite the door. We've got a big (long but not deep) three seater G-plan along the wall opposite the window, an armchair at an angle to one side of the windiw and the TV at the opposite angle on the other side of the window. 2 adults and 2 pre-teens easily fit on the sofa, it's nice all being together, and it's long and confy enough for an adult to sleep the night on. Before this we had a smallish 2 seater and 2 armchairs. I had an operation with a long recovery during those days and would have killed for a sofa long enough to stretch out on instead of having to stay in bed all day, so I would not want to be without a three seater ever again.

NorbertDentressangle · 05/06/2015 20:50

We have 2 three seater sofas at right angles with a table in the corner IYSWIM and a two seater ( so 8 seats for a family of 4 ).

Initially we contemplated getting a corner one but then realised there would be arguments (between the DC) about who gets the coveted corner seat and wondered where we'd put our glass of wine/cup of tea etc as we don't want a table in front of the sofas.

Funnily enough, the moment DP is on one 3 seater sofa, DD is on the other, I'm on the 2 seater at the other end of the room (trying to avoid the germs as DD is ill) and DS is sprawled on the floor as if there aren't enough seats!

Monica101 · 05/06/2015 20:39

Sadly at my height I probably can stretch out on a two seater!

OP posts:
Monica101 · 05/06/2015 20:38

Thanks for all the feedback, the two seaters i'm looking at will be 173cm each so not too tiny I think?

I've only got one child so not sure why I'm panicking Grin.

OP posts:
spiderlight · 05/06/2015 20:37

We've got a tatty old three-seater that I love, a big old ugly family heirloom armchair, a little stool/magazine chest type thingy and another chair that's actually a dog bed (although in reality the dog is usually on the armchair and there's an unsuspecting visitor on the dog bed). I like being able to stretch out on the sofa when I've got it to myself so I wouldn't want a two-seater.

Lagoonablue · 05/06/2015 20:34

2 x 2 seat sofas. Looks less crowded than 3 piece suite in my small lounge.

VivaLeBeaver · 05/06/2015 20:30

As a fellow shortie I say go for what is comfy! Took three years of hunting for me to find a comfy sofa!

BooChunky · 05/06/2015 20:29

A three seater and a two seater, with a footstool type thing that seats two...

But we never sit in there. We all hang out in the kitchen so in there we have 9 chairs...

Monica101 · 05/06/2015 20:27

I'd like a love seat but been a shortie I find those deep sofas and chairs quite uncomfy. I had a poang too but I think it's designed for tall Scandinanians.

I have found a really comfy g plan sofa but only option is sofas or a armchair, no love seat available which is a shame as that would be ideal.

OP posts:
VivaLeBeaver · 05/06/2015 20:23

We went from a three seater sofa and two arm chairs to 2x two seater sofas. It suits the room better and I don't regret it. It looked cramp before.

There's only 3 of us. They're quite big two seaters so you're not squashed together. If we have any visitors over and need more seating we have some of those collapsible garden chair things which go in a bag and we use them.!

Not very stylish but they're comfy seats.

wecanmanagenow · 05/06/2015 20:22

My three seater and two seater touch each other. Three seater is along the wall, two seater is at a right angle to try and define the areas in the downstairs

whereismagic · 05/06/2015 20:20

One 4 seater (really uncomfortable to seat on but very nice for spreading around, laying down and can fit 7-10 kids watching TV), one 3 seater (very comfortable for short people, not so much for tall ones) and 1 armchair that everybody makes a beeline for (supercomfortable). It works perfectly for various combinations of guests but the 4-seater really needs to be replaced.

Stinkersmum · 05/06/2015 20:19

7 seater corner sofa and a single (non matching) chair. Only two of us til october and 5 cats but anything smaller in our unnecessarily big lounge would look lost.

TeacupTravels · 05/06/2015 20:19

Corner Sofa - so 2x2 and a corner altogether. And a poang!


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Monica101 · 05/06/2015 20:18

Are any of your chairs/sofas touching each other? I could get in a two seater in the bay and a three seater at a right angle along the longest wall but I am a bit paranoid about looking cramped.

OP posts:
formerlyofLadysmith · 05/06/2015 20:16

Two armchairs and one three seater sofa. And a beanbag.

MargotLovedTom · 05/06/2015 20:14

One three-seater, one two-seater and a love seat ^^ Wink. We are a family of five.

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