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Children's rugs for reasonable price?

7 replies

HoolyHooly · 30/01/2015 19:42

Does anyone know where I might get some rugs for my children's rooms, have a boy and a girl and they both like bright colours and cars...wanted something cute, they are both toddlers. Everything I see seems to be soooo expensive. Thank you!

OP posts:
in2theblues · 30/01/2015 19:46

I got a gorgeous, brand new, elephant wall hanging from indicraft on ebay. It was about 16 quid. Elephant represents wisdom and strength.

CheshireSplat · 31/01/2015 08:59

Absolutely not what you were looking for but after I struggled with the same problem, I ended up buying a fake sheepskin rug. I had one as a child and loved how cosy it was. The one I've just bought was from IKEA for £10. Dunelm have the in different colours - not sure of the price though.

HoolyHooly · 31/01/2015 10:21

Thanks. Still looking...really want car rugs so will keep searching. Any other recs would be great.

OP posts:
Madcats · 01/02/2015 19:18

They have changed the colours since we bought them, but these circular rugs work really well in DD's room (I got the idea from a National Trust kids education area).. She has a beige carpet, so we have 5 rugs are strategically placed!

Or maybe the kids rugs range?

There seem to be quite a few people around who buy from IKEA to sell elsewhere without the hefty delivery charges.

Mouthfulofquiz · 01/02/2015 19:26

Why not find somewhere that whips the edges of carpet to make rugs? You could find some childrens carpet and then take an offcut - very cheap. I had a plain rug made 180x190cm made out of a piece of carpet, and I think it cost me approx £26.

sanfairyanne · 01/02/2015 19:31

cant beat ikea Smile

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