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New cushion covers for tired brown couch

6 replies

macandcheesewithbaconbits · 11/02/2014 21:19


I bought a similar looking beast second hand when it was less tired looking. It is very functional for what we need but it is so brown! I wanted to liven it up and change the cushions. They a quite large 64x64cm, machine washable and durable- have taken a beating from the DCs.
I was looking into replacing them with some brighter and more colourful/fashionable colours and or prints. Does anyone know of any websites that tailor for this ?

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cottonmoon · 21/03/2014 11:08

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krazipan · 12/02/2014 07:49

My sofa is brown and I kept the base then recovered the throw cushions (60x60). I am not very crafty but I googled how to make envelope cushion covers and they were pretty easy Grin.

whereisshe · 11/02/2014 23:18

I think teal looks good with brown, like this. So does duck egg blue / blue grey like this. Or did you want something really bright?

macandcheesewithbaconbits · 11/02/2014 21:31

BTW your colours sound fabulous

OP posts:
macandcheesewithbaconbits · 11/02/2014 21:30

Wow thanks for replying Krazi. I have thought about this but I am so unskilled I would have to outsource. Can I ask is yours brown too! Did you keep the base/cushion part the same colour? Or was it enough to change the cushions only?

OP posts:
krazipan · 11/02/2014 21:22

I have a similar sofa and couldn't find any so made my own in sky blue, cream and pale grey.

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