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Carpet alternatives for upstairs?

7 replies

lovesmileandlaugh · 01/04/2013 19:53

Has anyone used something different to carpet upstairs? We have wooden floors throughout downstairs and would love to get rid of carpets up the stairs, landings, bedrooms and stairs and loft bedroom.

I'm mainly worried about it being cold or noisy. Was considering vinyl or laminate with rugs in the bedrooms.

Would really appreciate any thoughts?

Thank you

OP posts:
thebestpossibletaste · 06/04/2013 18:38

I love those stair treads. We live in a new build and the carpet on our stairs is horrid and ruined (was very cheap, fitted by builders),would I be able to paint them white and put treads down too? Do they really just stick with adhesive strips?

lovesmileandlaugh · 03/04/2013 07:20

Ooooh interesting! I wonder how wood effect vinyl would work on stairs? Maybe even with those treads over it.

OP posts:
storytopper · 02/04/2013 20:05
storytopper · 02/04/2013 20:01

Sorry for taking a while to get back to you. We painted the stairs white and bought good quality carpet treads - my DH fitted them quite easily. They help to keep the noise down.

worthitornot · 02/04/2013 14:51

We have wood effect vinyl (off a roll) in the living room and study. A little warmer than laminate and less noisy too... people seem to really think it's wood as it's textured so fairly convincing.

I'm intrigued to know what people would use for stairs too, i hate hoovering the stairs but can't bear the thought of them being loud with no carpet so will watch with interest!

lovesmileandlaugh · 02/04/2013 14:46

Brilliant! Not too noisy then? What do you have on the stairs?

Thank you for your response Grin

OP posts:
storytopper · 01/04/2013 22:43

We have laminate with a few rugs. Wouldn't go back to carpets now.

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