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Medicine 2021 - Part 3

999 replies

SATSmadness · 27/11/2020 12:35

Hoping for interviews and offers all round, now and well into next year !

OP posts:
SeasonFinale · 24/03/2021 17:23

There were a number of Imperial offers made yesterday evening too. And I was going to say Newcastle started a while back but I see someone else already commented. Good luck everyone.

MaddieElla · 24/03/2021 17:13
IsThisNameTaken · 24/03/2021 16:30

Very impressive @LaLaFlottes - your DD is a Star

I think the reserve lists all work differently from what I can gather ... UEA for example won't tell you where you are on the list but just say they will give you a final decision by middle of May. Whereas others give out positions and say they will offer right up until the start of term in Sept.

Monkey2001 · 24/03/2021 16:26

Only 5 posts left after this - someone needs to do the new thread - make sure you don't use the last post without linking the new thread.

@LaLaFlottes - congratulations, same 3 as my DS! One point he mentioned yesterday about St A is that you meet really interesting people there. He is not keen on the Americans (very frustrated about the entitled attitudes and lack of covid compliance which has consequences for the other students), but has met really nice people from Canada, Kazakhstan and most of Europe. But they are all lovely medical schools and she will be happy wherever she ends up.

SATSmadness · 24/03/2021 16:17

P.S. is she available for interview coaching for the 2022 applicants ? Grin

Your DD clearly has what they're looking for at interview, in spades

OP posts:
SATSmadness · 24/03/2021 16:15

Fantastic work @LaLaFlottes DD !

OP posts:
opoponax · 24/03/2021 16:10

Well done LaLa's DD!! Brilliant news! Star

MaddieElla · 24/03/2021 16:05

Yes that is the worry now isn't it. Sad

DD is in mock week now. Biology and chemistry papers were a dream but physics was horrendous apparently. So the warm glow of med offers is replaced with a worried face when we mention it. 😫

LaLaFlottes · 24/03/2021 15:48

@MaddieElla - thank you Smile

I think the front runners are St Andrews and Sheffield at the moment so we will see.

Yes she's been extremely lucky and has 4 offers. Now got to cross fingers for the grades....

MaddieElla · 24/03/2021 15:34

Also is that 4 offers? Shock

MaddieElla · 24/03/2021 15:34

@LaLaFlottes congrats on Leicester!

Is she swaying towards one Uni in particular yet or is she totally undecided?

LaLaFlottes · 24/03/2021 15:31

@SATSmadness I'm sorry you are still waiting for the final decision - I'm really hoping for good news for you and DD.

I'm not exactly sure how it works with reserve lists but one of DD's friends is reserve list for Sheffield for example and I think she said she's only eligible for it if she doesn't hold other offers. She does - so I suppose for now she's on it but will be taken off?

It does sound like reserve lists can be pretty good at converting into offers

LaLaFlottes · 24/03/2021 15:26

@Teenageromance yes I think most Medical Schools have been quite open in saying that they have made fewer offers this year as they expect more applicants to meet their grade requirements.

It must be quite a balancing act for them this year!

LaLaFlottes · 24/03/2021 15:24

@IsThisNameTaken - amazing! Wonderful news, I'm so pleased to hear that Smile congratulations to your DD Star

DD heard from her final choice today and has an offer from Leicester too. So hopefully she can make some final decisions over the next week or so.

@MaddieElla that must feel good to have it all done and dusted!

Teenageromance · 24/03/2021 14:49

I’m curious how it will work this year with oversubscribed subjects like medicine, dentistry etc. I would think to even apply you would be the type of student who would be guaranteed 3 As on teacher assessment. So don’t know how they are going to work it this year - presumably making fewer offers on the grounds that most offer holders will get the grades needed?

Monkey2001 · 24/03/2021 14:43

Newcastle usually do 2 waves of offers. They send out offers to the high scorers and rejections to the low scorers first and then the rest a couple of weeks later. I think the bulk of newcastle offers are yet to come. It looks like fewer than 50% have already heard back.

Millylovespuddles · 24/03/2021 14:14

@IsThisNameTaken great news!

As for Newcastle, I think it's a case of them waiting to see what spaces may free up as applicants firm elsewhere. This drip-feed approach is hard any year, but this year seems especially cruel.

opoponax · 24/03/2021 14:08

@Monkey Newcastle has been sending out offers throughout March though. My DS got one right at the start of the month.

opoponax · 24/03/2021 14:06

Wonderful news @IsThisNameTaken. Mid-week celebrations this evening! Star

DS is also still waiting to hear from Manchester. TSR comments say they are sending offers and rejections in parallel and in random order.

WithIcePlease · 24/03/2021 13:50

Fab news 🎉😂
Still waiting for 2 here and I'm not optimistic of last being before 31 March

Monkey2001 · 24/03/2021 13:45

Congratulations @IsThisNameTaken

I saw that Newcastle have sent an e-mail to lots of applicants telling them that "because of the circumstances this year they’re unable to make a decision yet". They are so much later than usual. I assume some are looking for clarity on how generous the grades will be this year, but the wait was bad enough in normal times!

Iamsodonewith2020 · 24/03/2021 13:28

Anyone heard nothing from any of the universities after interview?


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MaddieElla · 24/03/2021 13:16

You're right. It's certainly an emotional rollercoaster. Gin

You have an amazing memory. Yes, she did get an offer for Nottingham Lincoln which is 30 minutes away from home. In one way it will be much better logistically and she didn't really want a big city atmosphere. But part of me thinks that a big city atmosphere would be amazing and a lot of students like to be a long way from home. She will still be staying in Uni accommodation which might prove to be crazy due to the cost and the proximity to home, but I think they need that experience, especially in the first year.

SATSmadness · 24/03/2021 13:01


It's a balancing act between needing to leave the dc themselves invested in the process by making decisions etc but also needing to be kept informed in order to be able to provide relevant assistance.

I think I recall that your DD was applying to a very local (to her) Uni med school, did she get an offer from there or will she be going away from home for the Uni experience ?

OP posts:
MaddieElla · 24/03/2021 12:50

It really is the not knowing isn't it. I would come to the same conclusion as you once everyone has firmed/insured/discounted Unis, things will look different.

To firm, you have to have received all decisions, so I actually have no idea what that means to people on reserve lists. Can you even firm if you're on a reserve list?

I would want to know where I was on that list, assuming all Unis tell applicants that info. But I'm as impatient as they come.

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